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Wii U

Yet another new tweet has been posted on the Japanese Zelda Twitter account. Today’s message is a little more interesting, as it contains concept art of Midna.

Here’s the translated tweet:

“…It’s Malo. This is Midna, the gal who is profusely well-informed about the Twilight Realm. Seems like there were various kinds of designs until her appearance became like this. Speaking of which, her name seems to come from midnight… “shadow” = “night” is simple, isn’t it.”


Nintendo will perform some additional maintenance on a couple of services this week, meaning that online functions won’t be available. Minecraft: Wii U Edition will undergo maintenance at the following times:

January 26, 4:50 PM – January 26, 6:30 PM Pacific Time / January 27th, 1:50 AM – January 27th, 3:30 AM Central European Standard Time / January 27th, 9:50 AM – January 27, 11 AM Japan Standard Time

Super Mario Maker Bookmark, the web portal for Super Mario Maker, will also undergo maintenance and won’t be available at the following time:

January 25, 9 PM – January 25, 10 PM Pacific Time / January 26th, 6 AM – January 26th, 7 AM Central European Standard Time / January 26th, 2 PM – January 26, 3 PM Japan Standard Time


This week’s Wii U/3DS-specific UK software sales are as follows:

Wii U

1. Mario Kart 8 – Nintendo
2. Splatoon – Nintendo
3. Super Mario Maker – Nintendo
4. Yoshi’s Woolly World – Nintendo
5. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – Nintendo
6. Mario Party 10 – Nintendo
7. Just Dance 2016 –  Ubisoft
8. Xenoblade Chronicles X – Nintendo
9. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker – Nintendo
10. Super Mario 3D World – Nintendo


1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D – Nintendo
2. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire – Nintendo
3. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer – Nintendo
4. New Super Mario Bros. 2- Nintendo
5. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros. – Nintendo
6. Mario Kart 7 – Nintendo
7. Pokemon Omega Ruby – Nintendo
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Nintendo
9. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – Capcom
10. Tomodachi Life – Nintendo

Source: Chart-Track

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

Individual formats

individual formats january 25th 2016

All formats

all formats january 25th 2016

Source 1 Source 2

We have a few new screenshots of LEGO Marvel’s Avengers in the gallery below. They specifically show the Nintendo versions of the game. LEGO Marvel’s Avengers on Wii U definitely looks similar to its other console counterparts, but this is our first look at the title on 3DS – which has an open world hub, by the way.

Maxime Beaudoin worked at Ubisoft for several years as a technical architect. Last year, he left the company and founded his own studio. Beaudoin thought it would make sense to look back at his time at Ubisoft in a personal blog post.

One interesting part of the piece has Beaudoin speaking about porting Assassin’s Creed III to Wii U. It was no easy task due to the technical challenges involved, but in the end, the team managed to get it done.

Beaudoin wrote:

After PoP, I contributed on several games here and there, and eventually landed on a technically very challenging project: porting Assassin’s Creed 3 on the WiiU. This was very different from my previous work. The team was super small: we were 2 programmers at the beginning, and at the peak I think we were like 15 or something.

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Dragon Quest XI takes a dive, and falls a few spots down the list.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between January 7 and January 13.

A new tweet about Twilight Princess HD was just posted on the Japanese Zelda Twitter page. Once again, “Malo” is the one who shared today’s message. This time we have a recap of Wolf Link’s abilities.

Here’s the tweet:

“…It’s Malo. It’s the first time I’ve seen someone being able to transform into a wolf without having to see the moon… So with sharpened senses, he can look at things that normally couldn’t be seen, track with scents, and even put up a barrier to attack (referring to the shadow circle)… Isn’t that surpassing the boundary of a wolf…?”

We’ve also included the newest screenshot from Twilight Princess HD above.


Below are the latest titles that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:

North America

* Save 20 percent on pre-orders with Amazon Prime or Best Buy’s GCU.

Wii U

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Mighty No. 9 – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Bayonetta 2 standalone (new) – Best Buy, GameStop
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD with amiibo – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop (new)
Pokken Tournament (pre-order for Shadow Mewtwo amiibo card) – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Star Fox Zero – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Terraria – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem – Best Buy
The Legend of Zelda – Amazon, Best Buy


Final Fantasy Explorers – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Project X Zone 2 (pre-order for exclusive DLC pack) – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Mega Man Legacy Collection Collector’s Edition – Best Buy
Mega Man Legacy Collection – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Pokémon Blue Version [Digital Code] – Amazon, GameStop
Pokémon Red Version [Digital Code] – Amazon, GameStop
Pokémon Yellow Version [Digital Code] – Amazon, GameStop
Hyrule Warriors Legends – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairlytale – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Terraria – Amazon, Best Buy , GameStop
Langrisser Re: Incarnation – Tensei – – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Metroid Prime: Federation Force – Amazon
Bravely Second: End Layer Collector’s Edition (new) – GameStop
Bravely Second: End Layer – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Dragon Quest VII – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice – Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop
Dragon Quest VIII – Amazon, Best Buy


Fire Emblem Fates New 3DS XL (new) – Best Buy, GameStop
New 3DS Pokemon 20th Anniversary Edition – Best Buy, GameStop


Roy (new) – GameStop (exclusive)
Ryu (new) – Best Buy
Famicom R.O.B. (new) – Best Buy


Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Collector’s Edition guide – Amazon (save $7)
Zelda: Twilight Princess HD guide (standard) – Amazon
Star Fox Zero Collector’s Edition Guide – Amazon (save $10)
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening – Amazon (save $16)


HORI Pokken Tournament Pro Pad Limited Edition Controller – Amazon


Wii U

LEGO Marvel Avengers
Mighty No. 9
Pokken Tournament (new)


LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Final Fantasy Explorers
Project X Zone 2
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
Mega Man Legacy Collection
Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Langrisser Re: Incarnation -TENSEI- – Nintendo 3DS
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice
Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma


Zelda: Twilight Princess HD guide (including collector’s)
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening


Wii U

LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Mighty No. 9
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Pokken Tournament (new)
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (new)
Star Fox Zero


LEGO Marvel’s Avengers
Final Fantasy Explorers
The Legend of Legacy
Etrian Odyssey 2: Untold: The Fafnir Knight
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Bravely Second: End Layer
Stella Glow
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Project X Zone 2


Zelda: Twilight Princess HD guide (including collector’s)
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening

Other notes: Hyrule Warriors Legends Limited Edition is up on Amazon Germany. New 3DS XL Hyrule Edition is available on Amazon Italy.


For Splatoon’s tenth Japanese Splatfest, players were asked if they would prefer a perfect body or a perfect mind. That competition has now come to a close, and the results are in.

Team Perfect Body managed to take home the win thanks to a slight edge in wins (53 percent versus 47 percent). Although Team Perfect Mind was more popular (56 percent compared to the other side’s 44 percent), it wasn’t enough. The final score was 362 to 338.

Thanks to eigotaku for the tip.


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