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Nintendo released official videos for Metal Slader Glory and Kururin Paradise on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Watch them below.

Update (12/8): Bumped to the top. Here’s part 2:

Original (12/7): Renegade Kid put together its own developer video for Dementium Remastered. Check it out below.

Image & Form has prepared a launch trailer for SteamWorld Heist. You can view it below.

In other news, Image & Form has revealed that a free update is in the works, and is planned for release in January. It’ll add support for French, Italian, German, Spanish and Russian language options as well as other “fun game stuff”.

Source: Image & Form PR

Last week, Kirby: Canvas Curse came out on the European Wii U Virtual Console. Watch some footage of the title below.

Atlus have published another trailer for their upcoming 3DS game Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final, this time focusing on the character Nozomi. Check it out below:

Well, this is quite interesting. Nintendo UK have uploaded a subtitled version of a Japanese TV ad for Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros. to their Youtube channel. Check it out below:

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam may have come out in Europe last week, but it won’t be arriving in North America until January. That means Nintendo is still promoting the game with various assets. Take a look at the latest trailer below titled “Just the Fax”.

Alphadia trailer

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 2 Comments

Kemco is bringing Alphadia to the 3DS eShop in Japan this week. For a look at the game in action, watch the trailer below.

This Friday, Devil’s Third will finally be released in North America. Take a look at the launch trailer below.

Polarium Advance is another game hitting the European Wii U Virtual Console on December 10. We have the trailer below.

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