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As 7th Dragon III Code: VFD launches in Japan, SEGA prepared four more videos for the game. Below you can listen to the music used in the opening, plus some insert songs. All of the videos have been posted below.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is primarily a multiplayer game, but single player is also available. The video below shows how the gameplay works on solo mode.

The female athlete Ronda Rousey is dressing up like Pikachu for a Sportscenter feature. The UFC fighter has made comments in the past that indicate that she is a fan of the Pokemon series. Check it out below!

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Additional footage from one of last week’s Wii U eShop games, Whispering Willows, is now available. Take a look at the latest video below.

Last month, we heard about Crystalline Green’s plans to bring Totem Topple to the Wii U eShop. You can view a couple of videos showing off two different modes bleow.

Earlier today, Bike Rider Ultra DX2 arrived on the Japanese Wii U eShop. Take a look at some footage from the game below.

Activision published a new behind the scenes video for its Guitar Hero Live trailer with Lenny Kravitz and James Franco. Check it out below.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden will be out this Friday in Europe, and next Tuesday in North America. View the game’s launch trailer below.

On Tuesday night’s The Late Show, Stephen Colbert introduced the Zelda: Symphony of Goddesses orchestra playing game highlights in anticipation of North America’s release of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes next week.

Shinya Arino, who stars in Game Center CX, is also part of the comedy duo Yoiko. Masaru Hamaguchi is the other member in the group.

Hamaguchi has previously appeared in “Game Center DX” videos on Nintendo’s Japanese YouTube channel as as a spoof of sorts. He’s now returned again, as you’ll see in the video below which focuses on The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.

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