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Xavier Orion Games shared a new Booty Diver trailer today. It shows some new art, plus the additions of coins, breakable crates, and a high score system.

Towards the end of the video, Xavier Orion Games confirms that a PC demo is on the way. You’ll be able to try out Booty Diver on May 29.

Care to take another look at the Inkling Boy amiibo? Then give the video below a look, which is a complete unboxing.

Ronimo Games released the seventeenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is 1 Siege Troll, 1 Barrelrider, 1 Naga versus 3 Desert Stalkers, 5 Shamshir Soldiers, 4 Axethrowers, 1 Sand Witch and 1 Fakir. Check it out below.

Nintendo added a new video to its North American YouTube account to promote the Splatoon Global Testfire taking place this weekend. You can watch it below.


Secret Tunnel Entertainment created one final promo – a commercial – for the launch of Shapes of Gray. View it below.

Game Informer published an extensive interview with John Vignocchi from Disney Interactive. In addition to talk about the company’s gaming approach within Disney, he also touches on how things are managed to fuel the Infinity brand. Check out the interview below.


Shapes of Gray is now available on the North American Wii U eShop. Check out some footage from the game below.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn has launched on the European Wii U eShop as the latest Wii download. View some footage from the game below.

Nintendo’s latest weapons trailer for Splatoon highlights the Splattershot Jr. Watch it below.


Ronimo Games released a launch trailer for Swords & Soldiers II. View it below. The game arrives on the Wii U eShop later today.

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