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Sonic Lost World is one of three Sonic titles that will be exclusive to Nintendo platforms. But how did that exclusivity happen in the first place?

In an interview with ONM this month, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka explained that Sonic Lost World was originally being made on the PC “in order to see what kind of platformer we could make.” Nintendo systems were chosen “when we tried to think about which platform would be best for this game”.

Iizuka’s full quote from the magazine reads:

“The Wii U hadn’t been revealed when development began for Sonic Lost World, so we were working on a PC version in order to see what kind of platformer we could make. Then, when we tried to think about which platform would be best for this game, we chose Nintendo.”

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Videos placed after the break because they auto-play!

“Organic Panic”, a new physics puzzle game from Last Limb LLC, had a shot of landing on Wii U. The developers will officially bring the game to Nintendo’s console if funds reach $40,000. While labeled a stretch goal, that figure is the target goal for the actual Kickstarter.

You can find more details on the official Kickstarter page here. Organic Panic is slated for release between January 2014 and summer 2014.

Update: Added in more details.

– Still coming to Wii as well
– Hasn’t been mentioned because the media lost interest
– Was originally planned for Wii only, so the controls didn’t feel right on 3DS
– Team decided to move in the direction of making a control style for 3DS
– They want the player to really have tight controls and feel the flying elements of the game with each button push
– The company wants to make a game that is going to be really enjoyed in full 360 degrees, so the producer is taking his time with the game
– 3DS version is in a “plus alpha” state
– President hopes fans are looking forward to the game
– More details in the near future

Rodea: The Sky Soldier is one of those games that had seemingly become vaporeware. Originally announced in 2011, the game has more or less been missing in action since.

Thankfully, we now have a confirmation that the game hasn’t been cancelled. Japanese publisher Kadokawa Games assured gamers in a new interview with 4Gamer that the 3DS version is still on the way and is 70% complete. The team had attempted to replicate a similar control scheme on 3DS that was planned for Wii, but they weren’t able to get things right initially.


Rayman Legends videos

Posted 10 years ago by in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

During an investor’s briefing Q&A several weeks ago, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made a few remarks stating that he wouldn’t lay off staff simply to improve the company’s financial situation. Instead, Iwata is interested in making great games. This is something that has resonated well with Lorne Lanning, creator of Oddworld.

Lanning, speaking with GamesBeat in a new interview, spoke highly of Iwata as a whole. He went as far as to say that he’d “work with him in a second.” And Nintendo overall? Lanning thinks that they’ll still be here in 100 years.

Lanning said:


A new game called “My Farm 3D” will be hitting the 3DS eShop in August, according to a listing on the digital store. Specifically, it will be out on August 1. My Farm 3D will be available for $7.99


News has come out today that French mass-media-multicorporation Vivendi is planning on selling the majority of its stock in game publisher Activision-Blizzard, a move that would break the company from the shackles of shareholder interests and return it to being a publicly traded and by-and-large independent company.

What does this mean for their games? Not much. Business should operate as usual over at the publisher, and CEO Bobby Kotick will remain in position after purchasing the shares from Vivendi for a hefty $2.34 billion in cash.

Via ShackNews

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