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The final two episodes of Paper Mario: Color Splash – Rescue V were spotted on Nintendo’s Australian YouTube page last week, but as expected, both were pulled. Nintendo has now put up the sixth video officially, so we’ll leave that below.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Monster Hunter Stories (3DS) – 9/9/8/9
BlazBlue: Centralfiction (PS4/PS3) – 9/9/8/8
Norn9: Norn + Norn9 Act Tune (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Ninja Pizza Girl (PS4/XBO) – 7/7/7/8
Kobito Game Taizen (3DS) – 7/8/7/8
Fenix Furia (PS4) – 8/7/7/7
Psychic Emotion 6 (PSV) – 7/8/7/6

Nintendo has added even more maintenance for both Wii U and 3DS to its schedule for the week. Online play, rankings, etc. will be impacted.

Here’s the schedule:

Wii U / 3DS

– 8 AM PT (September 27) – 2:30 PM PT (September 27)
– 11 AM ET (September 27) – 5:30 PM ET (September 27)
– 4 PM in the UK (September 27) – 10:30 PM in the UK (September 27)
– 5 PM in Europe (September 27) – 11:30 PM in Europe (September 27)

Wii U

– 5:50 PM PT (September 29) – 7:30 PM PT (September 29)
– 8:50 PM ET (September 29) – 10:30 PM ET (September 29)
– 1:50 AM in the UK (September 30) – 3:30 AM in the UK (September 30)
– 2:50 AM in Europe (September 30) – 4:30 AM in Europe (September 30)


Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 will be available on the 3DS eShop in a couple of days. To download the game, 3,728 blocks of free space will be required. In other words, that’s 391MB.


Ubisoft’s Michel Ancel, creator of both the Rayman and the Beyond Good & Evil franchises, caused quite a stir this morning when he posted some Beyond Good & Evil concept artwork on his Instagram account, along with the line “Somewhere in system 4 … – Thanks ubisoft for making this possible !” The artwork seems to show Pey’j from the first game, only much younger, leading fans to speculate that Beyond Good & Evil 2 might be a prequel.

It also doesn’t seem like Ancel made this post by accident or without approval from the higher ups at Ubisoft – the Ubisoft France Twitter account urged fans to take a look at the Instagram post.

While this all seems to be pretty conclusively pointing at a Beyond Good & Evil sequel, keep in mind that it’s not quite an official confirmation yet, and also that this might not be on a Nintendo platform. There have been rumors that Beyond Good & Evil 2 might be a Nintendo-funded NX exclusive, but of course, these might just be rumors and nothing more. We will keep you updated.


Update: The same Volcanion has been announced for Norway as well. It will be available for download from Gamestop and Neo Tokyo stores, as well as serial codes from Gamzone and Spillsjappa, all available from October 1 through November 23.

Starting in October, Volcanion, the final Mythical Pokemon from generation 6, will be distributed in various countries. Details have now been announced for the distribution in Sweden: Gamestop, Webhallen and Spel & Sånt stores will carry codes that allow you to get Volcanion.

Interestingly, this “Swedish” Volcanion will be similar to the one distributed in Japan in that it carries the Rage Candy Bar item and knows Mist – the one that’ll be distributed in other Western countries carries an Assault Vest and knows Explosion instead.


Nintendo AU NZ announced a Q&A via Twitter for the upcoming Pokemon games, Sun and Moon. Producer Junichi Masuda and director Shigeru Ohmori will be answering select questions. Any burning questions you have? Ask away!

The highlight of this week’s Pokemon Shuffle update is the previously announced Mega Beedrill competition. Not only is this the first chance to get Beedrillite, but the stage also features a lot more items for victorious trainers. The top 13,000 in Europe, 20,000 players in North America, and 60,000 in Japan will receive the Beedrillite after the competition ends on October 4, with other prizes as follows:

  • 3 Mega Speedups and 3 Raise Max Level: Top 200 EU, 300 NA, 1,000 JP
  • 2 Mega Speedups and 2 Raise Max Level: Top 1,000 EU, 1,600 NA, 5,000 JP
  • 1 Mega Speedup and 1 Raise Max Level: Top 5,000 EU, 8,000 NA, 25,000 JP
  • Disruption Delay: 5,001-18,000 EU, 8,001-26,000 NA, 25,000-80,000 JP
  • Attack Power: Any players who didn’t earn the Beedrillite
  • Besides the competition, there is a new stage for Slaking and repeat runs of Keldeo Resolute Form and Mewtwo. Slaking and Keldeo’s stages will run until October 11, while Mewtwo runs until October 4.


    Warner Bros. has come out with a bunch of videos for LEGO Dimensions that specifically put the spotlight on the latest content heading to LEGO Dimensions tomorrow. New packs are based on Harry Potter, Ghostbusters, Adventure Time, and Mission Impossible. See them all below, along with an additional video for Mission Impossible.

    The digital version of Paper Mario: Color Splash has been getting a lot of attention due to Nintendo’s pre-load accident, but there will of course be a physical version as well. Take a look at the disc art above.

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