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Bandai Namco

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - Pikkon

A new batch of details and screenshots are in for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Today’s update covers the news recently unveiled by V Jump, including Pikkon as a new DLC character.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto

A new Bandai Namco “Winter Meltdown Sale” has started on the Switch eShop. It features a big portion of the company’s offerings, including Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition, Dragon Ball titles, Mr. Driller DrillLand, the Naruto Shippuden games, Ni no Kuni, and much more.

Theh full lineup is as follows:

Dragon Ball FighterZ - Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta

During Japan’s playoffs for the Dragon Ball FighterZ National Championship, Bandai Namco shared the latest news on Dragon Ball FighterZ. A trailer for the game debuted showing the latest DLC characters.

First, a proper look at Super Baby 2 was shown. It’s also confirmed that the character will launch on January 15, 2021.

Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack

System: Switch
Release date: December 3, 2020
Developer: Bandai Namco
Publisher: Bandai Namco

If you’ve ever longed to control a pair of sentient taiko drums and fight alongside Marie Antoinette to prevent the space-time continuum from collapsing on itself, then the Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure games were custom-made for you. Once exclusive to the 3DS in Japan, Bandai Namco has now brought its role playing taiko adventures to the west for the first time. Taiko rhythm gameplay and RPG mechanics might seem like an odd blend at first blush, so a major question naturally arises: are these roleplaying spinoffs an offbeat adventure, or do they stick to a solid rhythm? Let’s strike up a drum line and find out.

Jump Force - Yoruichi Shihouin

Yoruichi Shihouin will be one of the next DLC characters for Jump Force, and Bandai Namco today revealed a teaser trailer that offers a first look at the Bleach representative in action. Check out the video below.

Jump Force Deluxe Edition is available for Switch. Yoruichi Shihouin arrives in 2021.

Super Baby 2 previously appeared in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. The character is now joining Dragon Ball FighterZ as the game’s next DLC character, according to the latest issue of V Jump.

Outside of the Super Baby 2 news, V Jump also confirms that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has surpassed six million units between worldwide shipments and digital sales. To celebrate, players will be able to get their hands on Gogeta SSGSS and Bardock (Super Saiyan) lobby avatars as well as a new Vegeta color variation.

Super Baby 2 will be available in Dragon Ball FighterZ this winter.



Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 continues to roll on with new content. The latest issue of V Jump has revealed that a new character and more will be added to the game.

First up, Pikkon is on the way as a new playable character, and one of his moves appears to be Thunder Flash. We’re also hearing that Janemba will be represented as a new CC mascot. Finally, Bardock and Gine’s outfits from the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie will be appearing in create-a-character.

V Jump reports that the next free Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will be going live in Spring 2021.

Source, Via

Bandai Namco have released a new trailer showing off the latest DLC pack for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, the Land of Wano Pack. Check it out below.

Tales of the Abyss

The Tales of series is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and Bandai Namco recently had fans vote on a few categories. They were able to share their most-played titles in the franchise, favorite theme songs, and best battle systems. The results of these rankings were shared during a 25th-anniversary live stream yesterday.

Here’s a look at how things panned out:

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 - Kozuki Oden

Bandai Namco has shared a new One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 trailer featuring upcoming DLC character Kozuki Oden. Give it a look below.

Kozuki Oden will be featured in the Wano Country Pack DLC pack for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, which arrives on December 17. Okiku and Kin’emon are included in the same pack. You can find their trailers here and here.

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