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Capcom showed a new trailer for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate in a Japanese Nintendo Direct held last month. The video showed a new feature in which Felyne companions can launch hunters up into the air to attack monsters.

Director Kaname Fujioka has since explained how it works. He told Siliconera:

“The way the system with the Felynes works is quite different from what we had in [Monster Hunter 3]. When you bring your Felyne companions along with you in 4, they have stats, just like any other character would.”

“And what happens is, when you have other players who bring their own Felynes along, depending on how the stats match up, they’ll end up performing different things to help you out. They can lay traps, they can notify you when enemies are in a weakened state. It depends on what kind of Felynes you have, and how they combine with the other ones during the quest.”

“One of the new things we added specifically for 4 Ultimate over 4 is that, one of the things these Felynes can do now is launch the player up into the air. And that does behave essentially the same way as a jump attack. Same damage, same animation. It allows you to do it in places you couldn’t normally perform a jumping attack.”


Capcom recently updated the Japanese Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate website with screenshots and details about the Felynes’ cooperative features and new story area Dondruma Town. Continue on below for all of the latest game content.


– Felyne horn raises the Hunters’ maximum health and stamina
– It also plays music that has an effect that gradually restores health for Hunters
– The Felyne Acorn Rocket has enough power to knock over monsters
– One Felyne feature is made to imitate the Flame King Dragon Teostra’s blazing powers
– Not even the toughest monsters out there can withstand its scorching flame attacks


– The new story in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s High-Rank quests in single-player will have a new story that takes place in Dondruma Town
– This was the online area featured in Monster Hunter 2 as previously mentioned
– It’ll also have a special area for it where you can also do some fishing


Capcom has shared new details about Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate that cover the game’s story and more. You’ll find a summary of information below.

– Those with save data from Monster Hunter 4 will be able to carry over most of their stuff to Ultimate
– The high-difficulty “G-Rank” is being added to the multiplayer guild quests in 4 Ultimate
– Game adds High-Rank to the Village Quests, and the Gore Magala saga will be done with.
– Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s story revolves around the “Lead Hunters”
– Lead Hunters: a group of Hunters who take on special requests that aren’t given to your average hunter
– The group consists of members with specialized knowledge and excel at specific techniques
– They also travel around the world to take on different requests
– New story is set in Dondruma Town
– This is the same place that was originally featured as the online gathering area for players back in Monster Hunter 2
– New flagship monster Serlegios has quite the sturdy legs, and will use them in ways we’ve yet to see from other monsters
– New Felyne actions include the trick where your little buddy can launch you up on top of monsters
– Another action: the Felyne can take stamina from monsters to give it to the player
– There’s still more to reveal


Over the past few weeks, Capcom has been highlighting creatures from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The latest, Najarala, was featured in a recent Capcom-Unity blog post.

You can find screenshots and art of Najarala above. Check out some excerpts from the post below and find the full thing here.

A feature published on Famitsu’s website late last week details three weapons in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: the Charge Blade, Dual Blades, and Heavy Bowgun. For information about each of these, check out our summary below (translations from Siliconera):

Charge Blade

– Can switch between sword and axe forms
– Lets you charge up energy to unleash powerful attacks
– In Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, the weapon gets a new feature with a shield thrust attack while in Sword mode, and a powerful spin-attack in its Axe form

Dual Blades

– New Archdemon mode in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
– This is the one that activates after Demon mode with a full gauge
_ Archdemon allows you to use your finishing move, but instead of experiencing the normal delay, you’ll be able to keep on attacking with continuous combos

Heavy Bowgun

– Additional bump in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
– This only applies to weapons of six-star rarity and higher
– New Heavy Bowgun feature lets you unlock the weapon’s limits that allows you to use a FireWyvern shot, and then attack with other shots while reloading the FireWyvern ammo
– Weapon’s downtime while waiting for the reload decreases as well


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