[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #37 – Switch Lite: Pros and Joy-Cons; LGBTQ Representation
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast | 0 comments
Hello my beautiful Popos and Nanas! Oni and Galen have a great discussion overall, in our most intimate episode of NEP yet. We talk localization and well-written characters in fiction, the pros and cons of the Switch Lite (and what this could mean for a future “Pro” variant), Dr. Mario and how different in design it is, and we tie things up with a discussion of Fire Emblem and LGBTQ+ representation in media and video games. We hope you enjoy.
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[Nintendo Everything Podcast] – episode #34 – E3 Discussion: Force Hype and Consume Product
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Podcast | 0 comments
Hello my beautiful materia! We’re closing out our celebration of E3 this week on NEP with another bonus episode. We start things off by discussing Final Fantasy VII Remake since Oni’s been playing the original on Switch lately. We then chat about the event as a whole, how E3 changes moving forward into 2020 and what it means for the games industry as a whole. Galen and Oni also discuss Microsoft’s Scarlett and trends in games at E3, too. Check below the break for more details and timestamps.
To celebrate E3, we’ve been putting out double content all month long! Check out our last 4 episodes! If you’d like to support our show, you can help out by sharing the show with someone who hasn’t heard of us before, and by rating us 5 stars on iTunes! We really appreciate all your support!
Thank you so much for listening!
Final Fantasy VII version 1.0.1 out now, fixes looping music and cutscene issues
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Final Fantasy VII has been updated to version 1.0.1 on Nintendo Switch. This patch fixes the looping music glitch that had been plaguing the game and it also makes the transition between cutscenes and gameplay smoother.
More: Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix, title update
Video: “Inside Final Fantasy VII”
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Square Enix is back with its latest “Inside Final Fantasy” video series, this time focusing on Final Fantasy VII. In the video below, art director Yusuke Naora, writer / director Yoshinori Kitase, and publicity producer Shinji Hashimoto reveal the history behind the making of the game.
More: Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII Switch launch trailer
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Final Fantasy VII is now available for Switch worldwide. Take a look at the game’s launch trailer below.
More: Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII Switch footage
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Final Fantasy VII hasn’t appeared on a Nintendo system – until now. The classic RPG has launched on the eShop, and we have some footage below.
Fun fact: the analog stick used during this recording was constantly drifting to the left, which made for an interesting experience…
More: Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix
Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Switch file sizes
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Over the next couple of months, Square Enix will be rolling out a few Final Fantasy games for Switch. Final Fantasy VII drops on March 26, Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster lands on April 16, and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age closes things out on April 30.
All these of these releases are now up for pre-load on the eShops worldwide. File sizes for each are as follows:
Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII, Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy! announcement news
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Square Enix has published a new announcement covering the latest news for Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VII, and Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy! on Switch. We’ve included it below.
Fans and new players alike can celebrate the arrival of classic FINAL FANTASY titles on modern platforms starting with today’s arrival of FINAL FANTASY IX on the Nintendo Switch system, the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X, and Windows 10. The release is followed closely by Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! launching March 20 and FINAL FANTASY VII releasing on March 26.
Originally released in 2000, FINAL FANTASY IX is a thrilling tale of love, war, magic and self-discovery. Newcomers and veterans alike can experience legendary moments with Zidane, Vivi, princess Garnet and others with modern enhancements on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10, including high-definition movies and character models, auto-save functionality and more.
Final Fantasy VII devs recall leaving Nintendo platforms, Square was told to “never come back”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 186 Comments
Square made a major change with the Final Fantasy series starting with the seventh entry. Whereas previous titles graced Nintendo hardware, Final Fantasy VII only ended up on PlayStation. Since then, Square Enix has kept the main entries off Nintendo platforms.
Earlier this week, Polygon published a massive feature on Final Fantasy VII, which includes interviews with many of the RPG’s developers. At one point, the conversation specifically focused on settling on the PlayStation over the N64. Character programmer Hiroshi Kawai said “you would get nowhere near anything like a Final Fantasy running” on Nintendo hardware, later adding that he heard from the big N to “never come back.”
Former Square president Hisashi Suzuki commented on this subject many years ago. At the time, he claimed Nintendo became frustrated when Square left, but also when when Square later helped convince others (like Enix), to leave as well.
Here’s the full excerpt: