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Pokemon Quest

Pokemon Quest has surpassed 7.5 million downloads, The Pokemon Company announced today. That number factors in numbers on both Switch and mobile. For mobile, iOS and Android download are accounted for here.

Pokemon Quest previously reached 1 million downloads on Switch in less than two days.

Source: Pokemon PR

The official Pokemon website in Japan has uploaded screenshots and some information for Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee showing off two new customization options for Pikachu & Eevee. Customization allows you to put items such as flowers to your Pokemon’s ear, body or tail.

You can check out the new screenshots and also a small video below showing off the new customization options in Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee.


Alongside Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee, Nintendo will release Poke Ball Plus. Both games can be played entirely with the accessory alone. You’ll get the same functionality as you would from a standard controller, and perhaps a bit more.

According to Pokemon: Let’s Go producer Junichi Masuda, who appeared during a play session event in Japan, the Poke Ball Plus’ is superior to that of the Joy-Con – HD Rumble and all. This is due to what’s included inside the device, allowing for stronger vibration.

You’ll be able to pick up the Poke Ball Plus when Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee launch on November 16.

Source, Via

Game Informer conducted a new interview with Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee director Junichi Masuda at E3 yesterday. Below are a few excerpts:

One of the uncertainties with Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee has been the manner in which you actually catch Pokemon. Motion controls is something we’ve heard about, and The Pokemon Company has since clarified that they’re compulsory – regardless of playing docked or portable.

Eurogamer obtained the following statement:

Earlier today, some comments leaked out from the latest issue of Famitsu from an interview with Pokemon president Tsunekazu Ishihara. In addition to speaking broadly about what’s planned for the 2019 games on Switch, he also touched on Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee.

We’ve now translated a more complete version of the original comments posted online. Read up on what Ishihara had to say below.

Famitsu recently had an interview with The Pokemon Company President, Tsunekazu Ishihara giving us a few more details about the upcoming Pokemon game coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2019.

The Pokemon President stated that the game is due to be released in the second half of 2019, it will have better graphics than any other previous Pokemon game, it will be completely new and not like Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu! & Let’s Go Eevee! and finally it will contain many brand new Pokémon to the series.


Earlier in the week, Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda conducted Q&A sessions with different members of the media. European press participated in one of these events. Masuda was asked about topics such as how core fans will react to the Let’s Go games, on when it was decided to make those titles as well as the 2019 games, and the possibility of more open gameplay in the future.

Some of the notable excerpts are as follows:

A few outlets were able to participate in a conference call around the reveal of Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee. Director Junichi Masuda commented on the games further during the conversation.

Speaking about being based around Pokemon Yellow as well as synergy with Pokemon GO, Masuda said:

After more than 20 years, the Pokemon Gold demo featured at the 1997 Space World event has been uncovered. Its full contents have been extracted, and a whole lot of noteworthy information has been detailed and preserved.

First, here’s a look at every Pokemon sprite:

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