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Cocoon review

System: Switch
Release date: September 8, 2023
Developer: Geometric Interactive
Publisher: Annapurna Interactive

Cocoon’s mechanical brilliance is the subtle kind, the kind that sneaks up on you. I knew going into my playthrough that this was the next project from Jeppe Carlsen, the lead gameplay designer of highly acclaimed side-scrollers Limbo and Inside; that type of pedigree sets high expectations, which for me were amplified further after a summer media demo left me with more questions than answers. The most important distinction to note with Cocoon is that it’s more outwardly a puzzle game than either of its forebears, and a very clever one; its trippy, entangled web of worlds is one big metapuzzle that’s true depth astonishes the deeper one dives into it. It’s also a game that somehow builds atmosphere masterfully, but frustratingly refuses to contextualize its world or provide any real stakes, narrative or even lore to engage with. Having rolled credits, I’m still unsure what exactly was the point of my little mechanical bug’s world-bending journey; this, combined with some technical issues on Switch, results in a game that somehow manages to both impress and disappoint at once.

Mario Rayman Rayman

Mario + Rabbids creative director Davide Soliani, who worked on the original Kingdom Battle and last year’s Sparks of Hope, has significant interest in working on a new Rayman game.

In an interview with Nintendo Everything, Soliani said he would be “crazy to not take that chance” if given the opportunity. He also told us that from a developer standpoint, it’s the “pinnacle of all the possibilities”.

The Legend of Nayuta Boundless Trails review

System: Switch
Release Date: September 19, 2023
Developer: Falcom
Publisher: NIS America

In The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails, Nayuta is a young lad returning home from studying abroad. Summer vacation is to be spent back with your friends, after all. Getting back to his home of Remnant Isle, Nayuta and his best friend Cygna decide to spend their summer starting their old business back up. Sort of jacks of all trades, the two gallivant as handymen, taking on any kind of job thrown their way with glee. Eventually their work leads them to a mysterious set of ruins, and it is there that they find that they’ve perhaps stumbled upon the most daunting job yet. While Nayuta and Cygna start out hanging around for a simple summer vacation, a fateful encounter with the mysterious fairy Noi sparks a lot of questions and a lot of discovery. Exploring the ruins, Nayuta soon discovers an entire other world – Lost Heaven.

shiny sandwich pokemon violet scarlet

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, these have all sorts of helpful effects to making shiny sandwiches – one of these is a boost to your Shiny Pokemon odds. If you’re looking to hunt some wild Shiny Pokemon but don’t know how to make the right sandwich, we’ve got you covered with a big list of recipes. We’ve also included a full explanation on how sandwiches work, how long they last, and how to hunt Shiny Pokemon in an outbreak. Who knew making sandwiches could be so useful?

Pikmin 4 100 percent

Pikmin 4 has lots of content to play through for full 100 percent completion, and we’ve gathered a list of requirements for those of you looking to see everything the game has to offer. For the most part, these challenges are rather easy. As long as you put the time in, you shouldn’t have much of a problem here.

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest Adventures of Dai review

System: Switch
Release date: September 28, 2023
Developer: Square Enix / GameStudio / Kai Graphics
Publisher: Square Enix

Although it isn’t quite as influential in the west as it is in Japan, there’s no denying the impact that the Dragon Quest series has had upon RPGs over the years. With eleven mainline entries and several spinoffs, it is one of Square Enix’s more enduring series, and has branched out into other media during its lifetime. Dragon Quest: The Adventures of Dai started life as a manga based upon the franchise, and has received two anime adaptations, with the most recent one wrapping up last year. Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest the Adventure of Dai comes full circle, being a video game adaptation of that anime. Although it loses a little in the transition, it serves as an excellent gateway into the series, but is unfortunately incomplete and rough around the edges, and is difficult to recommend solely on its own merits.

Disgaea 7 review

System: Switch
Release date: October 3, 2023
Developer: Nippon Ichi Software
Publisher: NIS America

Disgaea games have always been a bit overwhelming. Their nonsensical plots, zany casts, and seemingly impenetrable walls of systems upon systems that have stats going into the millions and damage into the quadrillions can make them seem unapproachable to newcomers at the best of times. Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless, the latest in the long-running series, shares the same foibles as its predecessors to varying degrees, but is by far the most accessible game in the series to date, and is an easy recommendation to make for anyone looking to sink their teeth into an experience that never takes itself too seriously but offers strategic depth easily on par with the best the genre has to offer.

One of the big announcements from this month’s Nintendo Direct was F-Zero 99. Given how long the franchise has been gone for, it was nice to see it return. First impressions may have you thinking that it’s just like the very original F-Zero, but obviously competing with 98 other people online is a significant hook.

With F-Zero 99 having been out for a bit now, what do you think about the game? How do you feel it stacks up to the other “99” titles on Switch? Let us know in the comments.

zelda tears of the kingdom amiibo rewards

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features compatibility with just about every amiibo figure in the Zelda lineup. Some grant the player items, some grant horses, and almost all of them grant an exclusive Paraglider fabric. If you’ve managed to get your hands on some Zelda amiibo figures and want to know what kind of benefits they’ll bring you in-game, we’ve put together a full list of amiibo rewards and unlocks for Tears of the Kingdom. Let’s get started!

how to catch Fezandipiti Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Fezandipiti was one of the big new creatures introduced in the first DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and we’ll tell you where to find it with its location as well as how to catch it.

Fezandipiti is a a brand-new trio of Legendary Pokemon introduced in Scarlet and Violet’s The Teal Mask DLC. It definitely looks like a Flying-type, but it’s actually a Poison/Fairy-type Pokemon with a high speed stat and decent defenses. It’s also one of the toughest Pokemon to catch. Today, we’re going to go over tips and tricks for locating and capturing this member of the Loyal Three.

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