Miyamoto explains how he came up with the famous Mario pipes
Posted on 2 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Have you ever wondered how the famous pipes in the Mario series came to be? Thanks to creator Shigeru Miyamoto, we’ve got some insight.
Shumplations recently translated a classic interview that Game Maestro conducted with Miyamoto in 2000. As he stated during that discussion, Nintendo needed to come up with a way for enemies “that went to the bottom had to re-appear at the top of the screen.” Then while he was walking in Kyoto, he “saw a plastic pipe sticking out of a wall,” and that was the solution he came up with.
More: interview, Super Mario Bros., top
Super Mario Bros. composer on first game’s music, Mario movie, more
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
NHK published an interview with Koji Kondo, who has been composing music for the Super Mario Bros. games since the very first entry on the NES. The discussion delved into various topics including his work on the first title, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and more.
Given how rare it is to see Kondo involved with such an in-depth interview, we went ahead and translated the full talk. You can read it below.
More: highlight, interview, Koji Kondo, Super Mario Bros., top
Super Mario Bros. composer on making of Ground Theme
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 Comments
In an interview with NHK, longtime Super Mario Bros. composer Koji Kondo discussed the original game’s music and the making of the Ground Theme.
Kondo spoke with the outlet about how his first go at the track was scrapped. That’s because when it came to the actual gameplay and not just more of a still image that he initially saw, “the rhythm of that song didn’t really match.” Kondo also mentioned his overall goal for the game, which was to “create enjoyable music never seen before using only three notes.”
More: highlight, interview, Koji Kondo, Super Mario Bros., top
Super Mario Bros. theme becomes first gaming track in the Library of Congress
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
It’s a first for the Library of Congress today, as the Super Mario Bros. theme by Koji Kondo is the first piece of video game music to enter the registry. It will be joined by other songs like Madonna’s “Like a Virgin,” Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, and more.
Regarding the selection, the Super Mario Bros. theme has been selected due to its international recognition and staying power over the past few decades. It’s also featured in the just-released Mario movie, which Kondo also contributed to.
More: Mario, Super Mario Bros., top
10 best Nintendo brand crossovers you can get right now
Posted on 2 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Features, General Nintendo | 2 Comments
People love gaming crossovers – there’s something very satisfying about seeing characters interact from several beloved franchises. Games such as Super Smash Bros. are extremely popular due to this because Nintendo has some of the most iconic characters in the game industry. The company constantly leverages this popularity to feature their characters in other crossovers as well, including merchandise.
Nintendo has created merchandise with some of the biggest brands in various industries (such as apparel, food, and toys), and there is a lot out there to sift through. Luckily, we’ve pinpointed the biggest brands that the Big N has partnered with, and created a list of the top ten crossovers that can be bought today. Additionally, all of these featured items are available internationally, as Japan gets a lot of exclusive Nintendo brand crossovers.
So, without further ado, here is a list of the best 10 Nintendo crossover merchandise that can be purchased right now.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons surpasses Super Mario Bros. as Japan’s single best-selling game ever
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 11 Comments
Nintendo has commented on the sell-through of its first-party Switch games between October and December 2021.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl was the highlight having moved over 11.7 million copies in its first seven weeks. Additionally, titles from previous fiscal years are performing well. 13 different games have each seen sell-through of 10 million units or more, Nintendo has confirmed.
Also worth mentioning is that Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the best-selling game ever in Japan at over 10 million units, beating Super Mario Bros. from 1985 which saw 6.81 million sales.
Nintendo’s full words:
Sonic the Hedgehog comic series writer reveals his Super Mario Bros. pitch
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Ian Flynn is best known for his work on the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series. At one point though, he was also now hoping to be involved with another big franchise: Mario.
On Twitter, Flynn revealed his pitch for a new Super Mario Bros. comic. He says that it was “well received” at Nintendo of America, but “stalled out” at the company’s Japanese headquarters.
In any case, here’s the full pitch:
More: Super Mario Bros., top
First clip emerges from Super Mario Bros. movie’s extended rough cut
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 4 Comments
Back in May, the Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive came across a tape containing an extended rough cut of the infamous 1993 film. Nearly 15 minutes longer than what was shown in theaters, it includes new and extended scenes.
The first clip from the extended cut has now come online. It takes place during the first act as Mario and Luigi are still working in Brooklyn. They take on a job at the Riverfront Cafe and encounter the Scapelli plumbers, Doug and Mike. This is different from what viewers originally saw, as when Mario and Luigi get there, a Scapelli van is already on the scene and the action then quickly cuts to Daisy at the Digsite.
More: movie, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Encyclopedia finally releasing in English later this year
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Update 2 (2/23): Super Mario Encyclopedia pre-orders are now 40% off on Amazon (thanks Tenakira). It’s also now up on Amazon Canada at 26% off.
Update: Amazon has this up for pre-order here.
Original (2/19): The Super Mario Encyclopedia originally debuted in Japan back in October 2015. Three years later, the book is finally getting an English localization.
Dark Horse is continuing its relationship with Nintendo by handling the Super Mario Encyclopedia for western publishing. It offers a look at almost every Super Mario game created, starting from Super Mario Bros. up through Super Mario 3D World. You can expect descriptions of enemies, level layouts, tricks and glitches, and guides for finding all the collectibles. There are a total of 256 pages.
More: Dark Horse, Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 recreated for Hololens
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Software developer Abhishek Singh has come up with a neat new way of using Hololens. Singh recreated World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros., and projected the game’s obstacles and objects as holograms in New York’s Central Park.
It’s not perfect – you can technically walk around the obstacles for instance. Nonetheless, it’s an admirable fan project, and perhaps something that could be expanded upon in the future.