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Just Dance is still going strong on Wii. A decade later, Ubisoft is keeping the console alive with the series’ latest entry, Just Dance 2020.

Some might be surprised to hear that Wii is still getting a new game. The logic makes sense though, as Ubisoft told Polygon: “A lot of our players are children and families who continue to play on Wii.”

Ubisoft is also going out of its way to help the community. The company said it has “donated consoles and Just Dance games over the years to children’s hospitals where they use the game with patients to help with movement, exercise, rehabilitation and just for fun, bringing a smile to their faces.”


System: Switch (eShop)
Release date: June 20, 2019
Developer: DeadToast Entertainment
Publisher: Devolver Digital

Let me begin with a full disclosure: I have never used hallucinogenic drugs in my life, and after playing My Friend Pedro, I don’t think I’ll ever need to. It’s a game where you can take commands from a talking banana, explore the inner psyche of said banana, and slow down time to gun down your enemies with all the grace of a ballet dancer. This latest release from darling indie publisher Devolver Digital is unabashedly weird, violent, and, in its own strange way, beautiful. The experience may be over far too soon, but this potassium-packed shoot’em up still manages to create a truly appealing experience.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Another Sight – €39.99
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled – €39.99 (available June 21)

NIS America has announced a partnership with Granzella to publish Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories outside of Japan. The game will reach North America and Europe sometime in 2020.

Here’s an overview of Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories, along with the first English trailer:

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – $39.99 (available June 25)
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled – $39.99
Super Neptunia RPG – $49.00 (available June 25)

Devil May Cry

A listing for Devil May Cry has been added to the Switch eShop in Europe and Australia. Thanks to that, we now have some more information about the game.

Devil May Cry will be available for Switch on June 25 in the west and June 27 in Japan. As previously mentioned, it will be digital-only. The game is priced at 1,990 yen in Japan and $29.95 in Australia. That should amount to $20 USD, but we’ll keep you updated.

Devil May Cry requires 9.2GB of free space to download. English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Chinese language options will be supported.

Source: Switch eShop

Nintendo has posted a lengthy, 10-minute trailer for PlatinumGames’ new Switch action game Astral Chain. Get a look at the video below.

Nintendo Switch

Lefigaro published one of its regular interviews with Philippe Lavoué, president of Nintendo France, at E3 2019 last week. When asked about expectations for 2019, he shared some interesting information – such as how Switch has experienced double digit growth since the beginning of the year, the system has seen the best attach rate ever for a Nintendo platform, and more.

Here’s the full roundup of tidbits:

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GungHo Online Entertainment recently announced Puzzle & Dragons Gold, a new PvP-focused title built on the foundations of the mobile game Puzzle & Dragons. The company has now confirmed release plans for North America.

Aside from its PvP gameplay, not much is known about Puzzle & Dragons Gold at this time. GungHo alo says: “The original Puzzle & Dragons teams will be collaborating on the upcoming game, ensuring that it will feature the beloved gameplay of the mobile game, as well as the incredible visuals of the anime.”

Puzzle & Dragons Gold launches for Switch in North America in late 2019. The game’s Japanese teaser site can be found here.

Source: GungHo Online Entertainment PR

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

The NPD is continuing to churn out video games sales data from the United States. This time around, we have the lineup of top ten best-selling third-party games to-date.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle tops the list. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy follows next, with Diablo III: Eternal Collection coming in third place.

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