Here’s a Podcast – Episode 118! (Yakuman)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 9 Comments
We weren’t going to have a show this week, but then Austin played Splatoon and he really wanted to talk about it so we decided to have a show. Additionally, Brian did a site survey and asked many of you about the podcast, so we decided to do a little navel gazing and read some of what you guys had to say, both good and bad. And weird. The nice image you see above was found on Neogaf!
Chapters today:
Opening Shenanigans
4:57 – Quiz – Tetris
5:28 – GAME OF THE WEEK – Yakuman
What We Played
8:05 – Austin’s been splatting folks left and right. (Mega Splatoon TALK)
46:43 – Everyone played 200cc. (Mario Kart 8)
Secondary Shenanigans
51:24 – Freetures
54:21 – Splatoon music break
55:47 – Touch My Navel – Your thoughts on the podcast
Listener Questions Mail
1:13:24 – Where to find New 3DS XL cases.
1:16:00 – How do you argue with a “hardcore” gamer?
Ending Shenanigans
2:25:02 – Ending fun
2:27:43 – QUIZ TIME
2:30:00 – Austin realizes something about DK64
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More: highlight, Mario Kart 8, podcast, Splatoon
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 117! (Tetris)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 2 Comments
Sorry we’re a day late with this one. Everyone is still in Minneapolis for this week’s show, and we decide to do something we haven’t done in a while: Podcasting without a net. So there’s not much of a script, we go off on tangents, and we just try to enjoy life and be good boys and girls. Funnily, we ended up talking about some game industry stuff and other gaming-related topics that we don’t generally tackle, so that’s a point for being unscripted I guess. Enjoy the non-conformity!
1) Opening Nonsense
2) Game of the Week – Tetris!
3) Laura went to China and Austin has a headache.
What we played
4) Laura got a New 3DS!
Shenanigans Redux
5) Can Nintendo really continue with backwards compatibility?
6) Bye Bye Konami
What we played again
7) Professor Laura vs. Phoenix Wright
8) Why didn’t anyone tell me about Mass Effect’s writing though? (Austin beat Mass Effect)
9) Wario Ware touched Jack on Wii U.
Shenanigans yet again
10) Starcraft 64 music break
Listener Mail
11) Garbage Questions
12) What game companies would we like to shadow?
13) What will Nintendo’s future success look like? Can they return to the top?
Shenanigans Finale
14) The end.
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 116! (Super Mario Land)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 0 comments
Once upon a time I mentioned how Comcast played a role in canceling one of our podcasts because they made Laura’s internet go away. This week, another American corporation has disrupted our regular flow of feces-like podcasting content to you, but thankfully Xcel Energy’s mishandling of my electrical power only succeeding in delaying the podcast rather than outright canceling it. It’s an exciting show though, because Laura is back in Minneapolis so we’ve recorded our first in-person show since episode 103! Here are today’s chapters:
1) Opening
2) Picture of the Day
3) Game of the Week: Super Mario Land!
What we played
4) Laura’s a’rumblin’. (Pokémon Rumble World)
5) Story of Sadness. (Story of Seasons)
6) Story of Seasons Spoilers Skip-Mark
7) Shepard is not a smart man. (Mass Effect)
8) ProPay develops new Streetpass games for Laura.
9) Donkey Kong Country 2 vs. Super Mario World, a retrospective featurette.
Shenanigans Redux
10) Freetures (the only free part of the podcast)
11) Donkey Kong Country 3 musical interlude
Listener Mail
12) Mario & Luigi is good?
13) New 3DS transfer process and other woes.
14) Are cinematic games taking over? Will they always suck so bad?
15) Comedian corner.
Shenanigans Finale
16) Super Mario Land Quiz
17) Ending sequence and staff roll.
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More: highlight, podcast, Pokemon Rumble World
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 115! (Zoda’s Revenge: Star Tropics II)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
What an episode have we got for you here today on this episode of the show on our website. If you like Donkey Kong Country 3 you should skip listener mail because Jack gets incredibly critical of it, going so far as to call it a game Rare must have developed during their bathroom breaks. Still, Austin has impressions of Affordable Space Adventures, so that should make up for it. Unless he’s right.
I suspect he is. Here are today’s chapters:
1) Picture of the Day.
2) Game of the Week: Zoda’s Revenge: Star Tropics 2!
What we played
3) Austin needs no qualifications for space adventures. (Affordable Space Adventures)
4) Jack dedicated himself to tears. (MOTHER 3)
5) Austin walks through the valley of the shadow of death (Super Ghouls n Ghosts wrap-up)
Shenanigans Redux
6) Freetures (Because they’re free)
7) Mighty Switch Force music break
Listener Mail
8) Donkey Kong Country 3 is Rare’s “bathroom break” game, according to Jack.
9) Would we be down for more clay?
10) Project H.A.M.M.E.R., Halo DS, and more: Our favorite cancelled games.
11) Why is Art Academy for Wii U taking so long?
12) Diarrhea-like random questions.
Shenanigans Finale
13) Zoda’s Revenge QUIZ QUIZ
14) Ending fanfare
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GAME OF THE MONTH – Mario Kart 8
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Game of the Month | 10 Comments
It was a tough choice for April’s Game of the Month, but with Nintendo announcing the push-forward of the Mario Kart 8 DLC, we’d be ridiculous not to make a spectacle of the game. So it is: April will feature Mario Kart 8-focused articles all month long from all of our writers, including– most likely– a look at the new DLC when it comes out in a couple of weeks here.
Look forward to it! And get pumped for 200cc.
More: highlight, Mario Kart 8
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 114! (Wario’s Woods)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
There was a Nintendo Direct today! Do you want to hear some people talk about it? Well, we’ve finally given in to the man and decided to talk about news.
Here are today’s chapters:
1. Intro
2. Picture of the Day
3. Game of the Week: Wario’s Woods
4. Where is Steve?
What we played
5. Laura removes her own heart in The Sims 4
6. Austin vs. Donkey Kong (Mario vs. Donkey Kong)
7. Laura looks for cheap love in Story of Seasons
8. Nintendo Directs us to Mario Kart 8 DLC, and more.
Shenanigans Redux
9. Freetures
10. Animal Crossing Music Break
Listener Questions Mail
11. The “right” way to play Fire Emblem?
12. Maybe microtransactions are just like modern arcade machines?
13. Jack’s favorite email about A Link to the Past.
Shenanigans Finale
14. Wario’s Woods Quiz
15. Devolution and Ending
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 113! (Tetris 2)
Posted on 9 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
There was a Nintendo Direct today! Do you want to hear some people talk about it? Well, this isn’t really the podcast for that, but we do talk plenty about games, why they’re good, why they’re bad, and why you should play them. Because we love games.
We love game news. But we mostly love games.
1) Intros, hello, what to expect
2) Picture of the Day (new segment)
3) Game of the Week: Tetris 2!
4) Personal Grievance Time (PGT)
What we played
5) Austin takes a key for coming in. (Super Ghouls n Ghosts)
6) Laura finds love again, and again, and again. (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
7) Jack tries emulating N64, and realizes it sucks.
Shenanigans Redux
9) Check out that handshake. (Nintendo and DeNa and Zelda delay, the only timely segment)
Book Club
10) A Link to the Past – Book Club FINALE
11) And the Master Sword sleeps again… FOREVER! (Final Thoughts)
Final Shenanigans
12) Tetris 2 quiz!
13) Ending.
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Another week, another cancelled podcast
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Site updates | 5 Comments
Alas, we knew that being forced to do podcasts over Skype would make things more difficult, but nobody could have anticipated the antagonizing role that American corporation Comcast would play in all of it. Because of their unreliable network services in the Albaquerki, New Mexico area, we’ve been forced to cancel this week’s episode of “Here’s a Podcast”. It’s a shame really, because I was looking forward to discussing the finale of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and how it relates to Zelda Wii U, and various comments Eiji Aonuma has made about the Zelda series in the past.
Alas, not all good things were meant to come on a weekly schedule. Thanks for your understanding! Send us an email to [email protected] with questions, thoughts, comments, or answer our question of the week: How impactful do you feel the ending to A Link to the Past is compared to other Zelda games?
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 112! (Kirby’s Adventure!)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 1 Comment
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
Hello everyone! This is Satoru Iwata from Nintendo here to present to you Here’s a Podcast – Episode 112. As usual, this is an enhanced podcast, which means that– if your player supports it– you can skip chapters and look at images we reference right on your listening device, such as a smartphone or a tablet. Speaking of smartphones and tablets, I’d like to speak a little bit about a new partnership we’re forming with DeNa. Here are today’s podcast chapters:
1. Intros, what to expect, and other things
2. GAME OF THE WEEK – Kirby’s Adventure
What we played
3. Jack and Austin’s bad fur day. (Conker’s Bad Fur Day)
4. Vacation slides with Laura.
5. Austin learns to love. (Sin & Punishment: Star Successor)
6. Jack finally digs into a new game. (Shovel Knight)
7. Title screen songs, and some other things. (Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+)
Shenanigans Redux
8. Earthbound farms endorsement.
9. Site Features.
10. Ace Combat Music Break
11. Book club begging.
Listener Mail
12. Does Mario Maker spell the end of NSMB? What’s the future of 2D Mario?
13. What do you think about Donkey Kong Country?
14. Games that surprised us with how good they were.
15. Game endings, and other ramblings.
16. Our Kirby recommendations.
17. Do we want a stylus-controlled Zelda on Wii U?
Final Shenanigans
18. Kirby’s Adventure Quiz!
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Here’s a Podcast – Episode 111! (Yoshi)
Posted on 10 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 10 Comments
Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)
We’ve finally upgraded to enhanced podcasts! Whenever we reference an image during the show, look at your podcast application and it should display the image we’re talking about if it supports the AAC version of the show. You can also head over to to view the gallery there if you prefer.
Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 111. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:
Have you always wondered what people loved about The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past? One of the things is how the game structures its quests, and that topic is the one we’ll focus on during our book club segment this week. If you have thoughts on this topic, or A Link to the Past in general, send them our way!(nintendoeverythingpodcast(at)gmail(dot)com)
1. Game of the Week (Yoshi)
2. The History of Star Fox’s Voice Acting (Star Fox series)
3. Malaura’s Mask Continues (Majora’s Mask)
4. Crunchier Cereal for All (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
5. Laura fits one more game in (Wii Fit U)
6. Jack finds puzzle love (Picross e5)
7. Rekindling an old love (Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon)
8. You’ve never heard of SWERY? (D4)
9. Site features!
10. A Link to the Past Book Club – Week 5
11. D4 Music Break
12. Year of the Saxophone
13. Listener Mail – Start
14. Is Phoenix Wright fun? Of course!
15. It was bound to happen eventually.
16. Do we like Sin & Punishment? Will it ever get another sequel?
17. Trading games for things.
18. Yoshi Quiz Show!
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