Minecraft: Wii U Edition adding new Power Rangers and Mini Game Masters Skin Packs
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Alongside the new Glide Mini Game, two new skin packs are coming to Minecraft: Wii U Edition. All of the new content should be out tonight / tomorrow at the latest.
First up is the Power Rangers Skin Pack. Skins for characters from the franchise are featured here.
Minecraft: Wii U Edition is also receiving the Mini Game Masters Skin Pack. It’ll include various outfits tying into the new mini-game.
One other small note by the way: Minecraft Wii U’s new update will include a fix for the following: MCCE-3984 – Enderdragon is able to use an End Gateway.
More: 4J Studios, Minecraft: Wii U Edition, Mojang
Splatoon 2 Global Testfire – tech analysis + frame rate test
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 11 Comments
The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire took place this past weekend, and Digital Foundry now has an analysis about its resolution and frame rate in particular.
At least currently, we can expect Splatoon 2 to run at 1280×720 while in docked mode, and at a dynamic resolution while playing in handheld mode. It also has a rock-solid 60 frames per second.
Here’s the full analysis:
More: Splatoon 2
Video: Image & Form talks SteamWorld Dig 2 in new Q&A
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 1 Comment
Today, Image & Form published the latest video in its video series known as “The Engine Room”. The studio chatted in-depth about SteamWorld Dig 2 by answering various fan questions. Some portions of the video touch on old subjects (release date, physical version), but new topics as well such as the possibility of a demo, the game’s scope, soundtrack release, and more. Watch the full video below.
More: Image & Form, indie, SteamWorld Dig 2
First look at Robin and Roy amiibo summons in Fire Emblem Echoes
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia makes use of amiibo in various ways. When scanning Fire Emblem figures from the Smash Bros. line, an Illusory Hero of that character will be summoned in battle, allowing players to seek assistance from spectral visages.
Over on its Twitter account, Nintendo UK gave a first look at Robin and Roy in action. Players will be able to use these figures and most of the rest at launch, but Corrin still hasn’t been released.
Rocket League dev “evaluating” potential Switch version
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 21 Comments
Rocket League has continued to expand since its debut in 2015. However, it has yet to appear on any Nintendo platform.
With Switch, Psyonix Studios’ vice president Jeremy Dunham says that the team is “evaluating” the possibility. A decision will ultimately be made based on “the technical requirements” as well as “community demand”.
Dunham told IGN:
“Just like all the other platforms, we are evaluating it. We’re looking to see what the technical requirements are. We’re looking to see what kind of true community demand there is. We’re looking to see how it would benefit the community as a whole. So we’re still in that evaluation phase. It’s definitely too early to say that it wouldn’t happen, but it’s also definitely too early to say that it would.”
More: Psyonix, Rocket League
First Metal Slug launches on Switch this week
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Metal Slug 3 is already up on the Switch eShop as part of the Arcade Archives series. Later this week, the very first Metal Slug game will be showing up as well.
The European eShop is listing Metal Slug for release on Thursday. Hamster has generally been bringing out the same NeoGeo game across all regions each week, so North America and Japan should be getting it as well.
Here’s a closer look at the listing:
And a trailer for the game:
More: Arcade Archives, Hamster
Kamiko announced for Switch, heading to the Japanese eShop next month
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 7 Comments
Fairune developer Skipmore is finishing up its first game for Switch. This week, Famitsu is revealing Kamiko for the eShop.
Kamiko is an action game taking place in a pixel world. Players can choose from one of the three Kamiko who have different abilities, and go towards the boss at the deepest part of the stage.
Available characters are as follows:
– Yamato: A girl born into the family of Water shrine maidens; uses a sword with long reach named Kusanagi no Tsurugi
– Uzume: The Earth shrine maiden living in forest; can launch long-range attack with her bow Yasakani-no-Magatama –
– Hinome: The youngest daughter in the family of fire shrine maidens; fights by throwing her shield Yata no Kagami like a boomerang
Kamiko launches sometime next month in Japan. It’ll cost 500 yen. As of the new Famitsu, development is 90 percent complete.
Alm and Ceclia amiibo pre-orders open on Amazon UK
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Amazon UK has opened up pre-orders for the Fire Emblem Echoes amiibo. Alm and Ceclia are both up for grabs here. Unlike North America, the two figures are sold separately rather than a bundle.
Yacht Club Games says next project will likely be “very different than Shovel Knight”, Shovel Knight 2 possible
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
NextN recently interviewed Sean Velasco from Yacht Club Games. Some of the more interesting comments came about while discussing the company’s future.
First, when asked about Yacht Club Games’ next title, Velasco said that the project “will probably be something that is very different than Shovel Knight”. He said:
“It will probably be something that is very different than Shovel Knight, but still retains our distinctive Yacht Club Flavor. Nintendo made Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, but they are all distinctly Nintendo. I’d love to make another franchise that people love even more than Shovel Knight!”
Don’t think that returning to Shovel Knight is completely off the table. Regarding the possibilities of Shovel Knight 2, Velasco noted,
“Yes, but it would also be really amazing to work on something fresh and new. For now, start thinking about what the next 8 knights could be like!”
Zelda: Breath of the Wild sales boosted by 50% in the UK as Switch stock slowly returns to stores
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild maintained strong positioning on the UK charts. As mentioned yesterday, it was the sixth best-selling individual game for the week of March 25, and the tenth best-seller on the all formats chart.
According to GamesIndustry, sales of Zelda experienced a 50 percent boost. The site attributes that to Switch stock, as “units begin to trickle their way back into retailers”.
Thanks to Arison for the tip.