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Gunslugs 2 will be out on the North American and European 3DS eShop on Thursday. For those that are curious, the game takes up 181 blocks of space on an SD card. You’ll need roughly 23MB, which is quite small!


Thanks to a listing on Nintendo’s website, it was confirmed that Ascent of Kings will be hitting the North American Wii U eShop on Thursday. Watch the official trailer below.

RCMADIAX has already made several titles for the Wii U eShop, and the studio’s support will continue into 2016. One new title confirmed for next year is something called “Avoider”. At the moment, it’s scheduled for Q1 2016 in North America.

RCMADIAX tweeted today:


Just like The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, Amazon Japan is offering an exclusive pre-order bonus for Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival. All reservations will come with a microfiber cloth. For a look at the bonus, take a look at the image attached above.

Source, Via

The first round of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water went live over the past hour or so. Saying that they’ve been mixed might be somewhat of an understatement. In any case, here’s a roundup of the early reviews:

Nintendo Everything – Thumbs Up
GameRevolution – 4.5 / 5
Nintendo World Report – 8.5 / 10
IGN – 7 / 10
Nintendo Life – 7 / 10
Videogamer – 7 / 10
Game Informer – 5.5 / 10
GameSpot – 5 / 10
GamesRadar – 2.5 / 5
Destructoid – 4 / 10

Little Orbit is bringing Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations to Wii U and 3DS tomorrow. You’ll find some footage from the title in the video below.

Nintendo of Europe has nailed down a release date for the second series of Animal Crossing amiibo cards. Via Twitter, the company announced that the new cards are arriving on November 20. That’s also when the new album will be available.

Here’s the relevant tweet:

Wild Gunman will also be out on the European Wii U Virtual Console this Thursday. View the official trailer below.

Bandai Namco has uploaded another short promo video for Pokken Tournament. We’ve gone ahead and attached it below.

Hogan’s Alley is slated for the European Wii U Virtual Console this week. Take a look at the official trailer below.

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