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At least in Japan, Fire Emblem If will come in two releases. Nintendo will distribute White Kingdom and Black Kingdoms as two unique items.

Speaking about the dual releases of Fire Emblem If with 4Gamer, Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami talked about how you’ll have a different impressions of the characters that appear in the game based on the side you choose.

He said:

I believe so; however, you’ll be plenty satisfied even just by playing one of the routes, so please play whichever one piques your interest. After that, if you get curious about what happens on the other route, give that a try. Once you learn about one route, the other one will become more profound.

More Puzzle & Dragons Z videos have come in thanks to NintenDaan. We’ve posted them all below.

This week’s issue of Famitsu comes with a special supplement for Xenoblade Chronicles X. It’s an “Operating Manual” – sort of like a mini-guide. You can take a look at it below.

Bear Box Media’s next project for Wii U is called “StarLight”. It’s a “reaction-based, physics puzzle game in which players guide a star through over 75 levels in 3 different environments.” Players will need to grapple/repel off of surfaces and pivot points in levels in order to avoid colliding with edges.

Here’s a rundown of StarLight’s features:

• Over 75 levels
• Mirror Mode
• 3 Difficulty Modes
• Record and watch back every level
• 10 Great music tracks
• 10 Unlockable Achievements
• 5 Secret Levels
• Supports multiple controllers
• Play the whole game with or without the TV
• Owners of Internal Invasion save 20%

StarLight will be available this quarter. First screenshots can be found below.

Source 1, Source 2

YouTube user “AbdallahSmash026” uploaded another half hour of footage from Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition. Watch it below.

Nintendo’s latest financial results won’t be published until next week, but Japanese outlet Nikkei has shared some rough information about what we can expect.

Nikkei reports that Nintendo is estimated to post an operating profit of 25 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 2015. The previous forecast was a profit of 20 billion yen. During the same period last year, Nintendo posted a 46.4 billion yen operating loss.

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Update 2 (4/29): Adding to the May 29 speculation is a new post on Reddit. Moderators on the amiibo board have been in contact with “A confidential source (at the corporate level)” who said the following:

– Nintendo has provided Best Buy with a UPC (045496892067)
– Best Buy has created a SKU (7352038)
– At this time, there are no plans in place for in-store or online preorders. This may change, but that’s what it’s currently looking like.
– According to their “New Release Calendar” tool, Silver Mario is street dated for May 29

Nintendo still has’t confirmed anything, but these rumors are looking more and more likely.

Update: The silver Mario amiibo SKU is showing up at Target as well with the same date.


Fred Meyer, a retailer in the United States, is currently listing the silver Mario amiibo for release on May 29. That date hasn’t been confirmed by Nintendo, but this would suggest that it wouldn’t be retailer exclusive unlike gold Mario, which was only sold at Walmart.

The silver Mario amiibo leaked alongside the gold edition back in early February. Nintendo made the gold version official about a week later, though we’ve still been waiting on an announcement for the silver figure.



Rusty from SteamWorld Dig is appearing in the indie Wii U game Runbow as one of several guest characters. In an interview with Nintendo Okie, Image & Form CEO Brjann Sigurgeirsson explained how Rusty made it into the title.

He said:

Dave Proctor, one of the splendid guys at 13am, simply shot me an email and asked. In the indie community it doesn’t have to be harder than that. That doesn’t mean that we automatically agree to everything. But he sent a gameplay video, and I thought Runbow looked really cool. We then met for beer and Mexican food in San Francisco during GDC and had a wonderful time. I hope Runbow does really well, and that 13am continues to be successful.

Continuing on the topic of collaborations, Sigurgeirsson also said that he’d be open to having Rusty appear in a Renegade Kid title.

As Sigurgeirsson stated:

There’s this very cool guy called Jools Whatsham, who runs Renegade Kid. He’s always been nice and helpful. I wouldn’t mind Rusty appearing in one of their games. We’ll see if that’ll ever happen.


One fan has gone to the trouble of remaking the map from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in HTML5. The entire map can be accessed through your browser at this link. It’s definitely impressive – you can even see NPCs and enemies going about their business!


This week’s issue of Famitsu has come in, which means that new scans are available. There are several highlights this week, including the new Princess PreCure 3DS game and Splatoon. We also have a look at PoPoLoCrois Farm Story, Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition, and more.

Take a look at the latest scans in the gallery below.

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