3DS eShop software can now be downloaded on the Home Menu
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
In the past, 3DS users had two main options available if they were interested in obtaining software from the eShop. Content could be downloaded straight from the digital store, or users could opt to have items download while their system was in sleep mode.
A third option is also now available, which was likely added with last week’s 3DS firmware update. It’s possible to download content directly on the Home Menu – without putting your system in Sleep Mode.
Here’s how it works:
1. Choose the “Download Later” option on the eShop
2. Hover over the new present icon on the Home Menu and click “View Details”
3. Hit the “Y” button
And that’s it! If you want to continue the download in Sleep Mode, just press the “B” button on the 3DS.
More: top
Video shows Factor 5’s canned Wii project Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leaders
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 8 Comments
IGN has shared a video that shows off Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leaders, Factor 5’s cancelled compilation for Wii. If you missed our original post, you can find plenty of information about the project here.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham behind the scenes trailer
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Pokemon X/Y – Shiny Gengar distribution kicks off at GameStop today
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
Pokemon X and Y players can partake in a distribution for Shiny Gengar starting today. Visit GameStop stores by October 26, and you’ll receive the Pokemon in your game. It comes with a Gengarite Mega Stone.
Ultimate NES Remix screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
More: Ultimate NES Remix
October 2014 downloadable rewards now available on Club Nintendo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii Shop Channel, Wii U eShop | 14 Comments
This month’s digital rewards on Club Nintendo have gone live. Members can choose from Wrecking Crew (Wii U, 200 coins), Kirby’s Dream Course (Wii U, 200 coins), Zoda’s Revenge: StarTropics II (Wii, 200 coins), Maboshi’s Arcade (Wii, 250 coins), Kerploosh! (3DS, 150 coins), Brain Age Express: Math (3DS, 200 coins), 3D Classics: Kid Icarus (3DS, 200 coins), and Donkey Kong (3DS, 150 coins). These items last through November 16.
You can check out all of October’s digital games here.
More: Club Nintendo, top
Another round of New 3DS/original 3DS comparison videos
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, Videos | 4 Comments
More: comparison
Tetris Ultimate out next month, $10 cheaper on the eShop
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 9 Comments
Tetris Ultimate is launching in North America on November 11, Ubisoft has announced. The game will be available for $29.99 at retail, but the eShop version will only cost $19.99.
Tetris Ultimate for Nintendo 3DS offers six ways to play Tetris, in addition to “a new single-player Challenge mode that will test the skills and determination of the most die-hard Tetris champions.”
Fans can expect the following game modes from the title:
• Battle Ultimate – Be the last person playing after using crazy power-ups! Go on the offensive with Carousel and make your opponent’s Matrix shift to the left after each move, or trigger Let it Rain and dump blocks on top of them. Buzz Saw helps you advance by clearing away a number of your lines, especially useful when you’re in a spot of trouble.
• Marathon – Complete level 15 and rack up as many points as you can.
• Endless – Keep clearing lines until your stamina runs out!
• Ultra – Race to score as many points possible before time runs out in this three-minute challenge.
• Sprint – Clear 40 lines as quickly as you can.
• Battle – Go head-to-head to knock out 1-4 challengers.
• Challenge – With four mode variants, be prepared for a variety of challenges that will put any player’s determination to the test:
o Master – The Tetriminos drop instantly and appear at the bottom.
o Rotation Lock – The orientations of the Tetriminos are random and you cannot rotate them.
o Escalation – As the game levels up, you’ll have to clear more lines.
o Invisible – The Tetriminos become invisible as they drop to the bottom.
Check out the gallery below for some screenshots of Tetris Ultimate.
Source: Ubisoft PR
More: Tetris Ultimate, Ubisoft
eShop web store pages discovered
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop | 35 Comments
Nintendo promised a web-based eShop ages ago. But for whatever reason, it has yet to materialize. Perhaps something is on the horizon though…
A few folks over on NeoGAF have managed to detect a live page for the web eShop. You can view it right here. While it’s clearly still a work in progress (and likely not meant to be accessed by the common user), it seems that there’s actually some functionality in place.
We’re hearing some reports that automatic downloading is working for Wii U, believe it or not. Users can enter a redeemable code on this page.
When will Nintendo officially launch the web eShop? That is unknown at present. But at the very least, it still appears to be development… and hopefully we’ll see it officially go live soon!