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About a year ago, Gunman Clive creator Bertil Hörberg shared a look at a brand new title. The project, which was said to be “very heavily inspired by the early Zelda games”, all but disappeared soon after.

Hörberg took to Twitter today and confirmed that his Zelda-inspired title has been cancelled. On the bright side though, he may have news to share about his actual next game in the coming days.

Hörberg wrote:


Re-posting this, as Nintendo UK took the video down yesterday. Hopefully it’ll stay up this time!

Shovel Knight has received a final North America release date. On Twitter, developer Yacht Club Games confirmed that the title will arrive on June 26.

The studio said:

Shovel Knight will be available on Wii U and 3DS via the eShop. No word yet on the European release at this time. However, Yacht Club has “been working through localization and ratings specific to the European region.”


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