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Famitsu put up a small article of Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson online today, confirming another detail about the game. According to the magazine, Orochi will be returning along with a gigantic trio of new ghosts that the ninja girls.

More Senran Kagura 2 information is included in this week’s issue of Famitsu. The magazine offers new information about the gameplay systems.


European Conqueror 3D is on track to hit the North American 3DS eShop next week. During launch week, it’ll be available for only $0.99.


Monkey Pirates will be hitting the European Wii U eShop next week, according to a listing on the digital store:

Along with its leaked article regarding Star Fox Wii U, Project Giant Robot, and Project Guard, TIME also put up an interview with all three projects (before pulling it soon after). If interested, you can find the full talk below.

Club Nintendo Europe has now added in a Yoshi backpack as a reward. It’s available now for 6,500 points.


TIME has outed the existence of three Nintendo games coming from Shigeru Miyamoto ahead of the company’s Digital Event today.

The first, and arguably the biggest, is Star Fox for Wii U. This is said to be “at least a year away.”

There’s also Project Giant Robot and Project Guard. Both “are still considered experimental at this point”.

Check out the following from TIME’s report:

Following Nintendo’s Digital Event today, the company will be showing an exclusive Wii U title on IGN.

IGN editor Jose Otero shared the news on Twitter, writing:


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Sonic Boom is more than a game. In addition to the Wii U and 3DS titles, SEGA is also planning a TV show and even a line of toys.

Big Red Button CEO Bob Rafei recently explained to Siliconera how the games tie into the TV show. He told the site:

“The whole point of the Sonic Boom approach is to have a consistent brand and a consistent approach for the transmedia play. The transmedia play is the toy series, the games 3DS and Wii U, and the TV shows. From a character approach, from a writing approach they are the same characters living in the same universe. This world that has a backstory with the ancients and the main villain which we will introduce at E3, that is where the TV show also lives in. In terms of how they relate to each other, the villain starts to process and introduces the TV show.”

“The TV show is a situational comedy. They have a different format for the medium. They have, I think it is, 52 different eleven minute episodes where the world has to reset because when it’s played in syndication you don’t know which order they will be played in.”

“[Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric] is a classic adventure storyline which has a beginning where something is the inciting incident that sets them on their adventure and they progressively go through the world and the stakes are raised until they defeat the villain at the end. That kind of format is very difficult to tell in an eleven minute episode especially when the priorities are the humor. For us, it was gameplay, character mechanics, and then narrative. For them it was narrative as primary, the jokes as primary and secondary is action.”


AE Games, the creator of Madmen Football, has become an official Wii U developer. AE can now begin work on its new title for Wii U. Madmen Football is likely a long ways off, though hopefully we’ll see it sooner rather than later.


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