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CastleStorm: From Outcast to Savior will be available for Wii U starting tomorrow in both North America and Europe, Zen Studios has announced.

From Outcast to Savior offers a brand new Royal Guard faction, new environments, an unlikely Hero, 20 new battles, new weapons, and Skirmish & Survival levels. Players will lead their army into battle in locales such as Stonecrest, The Royal Airport, The Skyship Harbor and the Bladgard Icefields as they attempt to capture the mighty Viking warrior, Chief Ramhorn.

Zen Studios also plans to release The Warrior Queen expansion on Wii U. However, a release date hasn’t been determined at this time.

Source: Zen Studios PR

LEGO The Hobbit will be available on April 8 in North America and April 11 in Europe.

Nintendo has officially confirmed the recently leaked Pokemon X/Y promotion for Club Nintendo.

Those who register any 3DS – including the original model – as well as one of six eligible games can receive either version for free. The offer is valid for the entire month of March in both the US and Canada.

You can find a video outlining the promotion above. An official page is located here.

Update: Added in a second screenshot below.

Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

There are actually two versions of the boxing ring stage! This ring is the Smash Bros. version…

Second screenshot:


Wii U eShop

This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:


1. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
2. Zelda: Wind Waker HD
3. Super Mario World
4. Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
6. NES Remix
7. Super Mario Bros.
8. The LEGO Movie Videogame
9. Super Mario 3D World
10. EarthBound
11. The Legend of Zelda
12. Super C
13. Super Metroid
14. Art Academy: SketchPad
15. Super Mario Bros. 2
16. Dr. Luigi
17. Pokemon Rumble U
18. Super Punch-Out!!
19. Rayman Legends
20. Mega Man X2


1. The LEGO Movie Videogame Trailer
2. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Launch Trailer
3. Mario Kart 8 – Koopalings Trailer
4. Digital Deluxe Promo Video
5. Nintendo Direct: 2/13/14
6. Super Smash Bros. Champion of the Ring
7. Super Mario 3D World Trailer
8. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Accolades Video
9. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Trailer 6/11/13
10. Super Mario 3D World Trailer 2
11. Mario Golf: World Tour – Teaser Trailer
12. Yoshi’s New Island – Egg-otic Locales Trailer
13. Super Mario 3D World – Accolades Trailer
14. Kirby Triple Deluxe Trailer
15. Pokemon Battle Trozei – Announcement Trailer
16. Bayonetta 2 – Did you miss me?
17. Mario & Sonic: Sochi 2014 Launch Trailer
18. The Legend of Zelda Stage 8: Defeat Dodongo!
19. Mario & Sonic: Sochi 2014 Trailer
20. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Trailer


This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Bravely Default
2. Attack of the Friday Monsters: A Tokyo Tale
3. Liberation Maiden
4. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
5. Pokemon Dream Radar
6. Weapon Shop de Omasse
7. Crimson Shroud
8. Super Mario Bros.
9. Donkey Kong Jr.
10. Retro City Rampage: DX
11. Inazuma Eleven
12. The Starship Damrey
13. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
14. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
15. Super Mario Bros. 2
16. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
17. Pokemon Y
18. Pokemon X
19. Zelda: Oracle of Ages
20. The Legend of Zelda


1. Super Smash Bros. Champion of the Ring
2. The LEGO Movie Videogame Trailer
3. Mario Kart 8 – Koopalings Trailer
4. Nintendo Direct: 2/13/14
5. Inazuma Eleven – Episode 1
6. Kirby Triple Deluxe Trailer
7. Yoshi’s New Island – Egg-otic Locales Trailer
8. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – Launch Trailer
9. Pokemon Bank Trailer
10. Pokemon Battle Trozei – Announcement Trailer
11. Mario Golf: World Tour – Teaser Trailer
12. Inazuma Eleven Trailer
13. Steel Diver – Announcement Trailer
14. Weapon Shop de Omasse Trailer
15. Inazuma Eleven – Episode 2
16. Inazuma Eleven – Episode 3
17. One Piece: Romance Dawn Trailer
18. Hyrule Warriors Teaser Trailer
19. Bayonetta 2 – Did you miss me?
20. Mario Kart 7 Video

Source: 3DS eShop


You won’t need much free space available on your Wii U in order to download BLOK DROP U. The download weighs in at just 59MB – a very small amount! BLOK DROP U will be available in North America next Thursday.

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