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Update: Deal is dead on Amazon, but can be found for the same price on GameStop.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has been seeing sales on Wii U as of late, but there haven’t been too many discounts for the 3DS version. That’s no longer the case! Amazon is selling Ultimate for $20 on 3DS. It’s currently back-ordered, but you can still place an order.

Like many Wii U games, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze supports off-TV play. But if you happen to be playing regularly – on TV that is – the controller will go dark. Retro implemented the functionality in order to “save battery.”

While we’re on the topic of controllers, Tropical Freeze will support a whole bunch of them. You can use the GamePad, Pro Controller, Wiimote and nunchuck combo, or Wiimote by itself (sideways).


NES Remix was made by none other than indieszero. That’s the same company behind the Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and first two Game Center CX games.

indieszero has had a close relationship with Nintendo in the past. The two collaborated on titles such as Electroplankton, America’s Test Kitchen: Let’s Get Cooking, and most recently, Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

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The footage above comes from the updated Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze site. You can check it out here.

Thanks to Tytygh for the tip.

Today’s Nintendo Direct revealed an interesting addition to the Japanese Wii U eShop. Believe it or not, Nintendo will be publishing Trine 2: Director’s Cut in Japan.


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