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The exploit above only works on ice. To take advantage of the glitch, tap the crouch button repeatedly. Your speed will rise more and more the faster you tap the crouch button.


The European collector’s edition comes with a figurine. The North American version does not. But based on the figure’s quality, I don’t think the US is really missing out!


As part of the National StreetPass Weekend festivities taking place this weekend, 3DS users who stop by Nintendo Zones can add Tom (otherwise known as Miiverse’s NintendoTom) to their StreetPass Mii Plaza. Tom will come along in special gold pants. He’ll only be available through tomorrow, so keep that in mind!


Here’s something a bit out of the blue. Nintendo has, unexpectedly, started sending out Pizza Hut gift cards to some Club Nintendo members.

What does Pizza Hut really have to do with gaming? You’ve got me. Although Reggie did work there at one point…


Two Tribes will be attending PAX East this year. Better yet, the studio has confirmed it will bring its next project to the show. The game will indeed be a new IP, according to a tweet published by Two Tribes recently.



Now that Miiverse is available on an entirely new platform – the 3DS, of course – Nintendo’s Marty has reminded users about what they shouldn’t be doing on the service (like exchanging Friend Codes). You can find the full, lengthy message below.


Crash ‘n The Boys: Street Challenge looks like it could be heading to the North American 3DS eShop next week. A listing on the digital store suggests that the game will launch as a Virtual Console download on December 19. Pricing is set at $4.99.


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