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Update (9/4): Best Buy has opened pre-orders as well. The retailer is accepting reservations here.

GameStop has opened pre-orders for the Zelda: Wind Waker HD Wii U Limited Edition bundle. You can place an order here.

The official Monster Hunter 4 website has been updated yet again, mostly with more screenshots and details on the game’s Unknown Forest. You can find the latest content below courtesy of Siliconera.

– Unknown Forest won’t always be the same
– Capcom shared screenshots as an example showing how the Hunter is standing in the same places during different occasions
– Paths may be blocked in one instance but open in another
– Monsters change as well
– Maps aren’t randomized in terms of accessibility, but you won’t be able to continually farm the same areas
– Maps will be different compared to those in regular quests
– Instead of the full area, Maps will only show your immediate area of the Unknown Forest
– Yian Garuga is back in Monster Hunter 4, appears in the Unknown Forest
– Velocidrome and his Velociprey minions are also returning
– Other monsters including Yian Kut-Ku and Basarios live in the Unknown Forest as well
– Excavation Equipment: new set of equipment with unique parameters and designs
– Can only be collected from the Unknown Forest
– Won’t be revealed until you complete the quest
– Players must complete an additional until you can wear the equipment, which has yet to be revealed


Well over a year ago, Nintendo rejected The Binding of Isaac for 3DS due to “questionable religious content”. Nintendo’s Dan Adelman recently told IGN of the decision, “it kind of kills me…it kills me right now that I had to make that phone call.”

As far as why the game wasn’t allowed acceptance, Adelman explained to the site:

“We carve out some categories of content we don’t allow. Religious themes is one of those topics. And so it was deemed to be in violation of that.”

“Maybe we should revisit the entire concept guideline on religious themes. Maybe we should just get rid of that altogether. But given that, that’s right now one of our stances.”

Nintendo marketing staffer Damon Baker also chimed in:

“…there have been a lot of initiatives recently in terms of revamping the guidelines, re-addressing how to make the development process easy as possible for Nintendo platforms…We’re going to continue to hit that message over and over. But hopefully it’s becoming more and more clear that it’s easier than ever before to develop games for Nintendo platforms.”

Keeping all of this in mind, Adelman says Nintendo is very much willing to revisit set policies “from time to time” and acknowledged that the company needs to “be a bit more flexible sometimes as far as interpreting those guidelines and making exceptions where they do make sense.”

“We’re definitely open to revisiting [policies] from time to time. What we need to do is be a bit more flexible sometimes as far as interpreting those guidelines and making exceptions where they do make sense. But we’re a large company. We’re kind of going through some of our own growing pains in that regard.”


Beyond Good & Evil is a game that is widely respected today even though it’s considered a niche title. It’s one of those titles that still connects and resonates with players. Why is that so?

Creator Michel Ancel offered up his own explanation in a UbiBlog interview:

“Maybe because it’s a game between genres. Rayman is very creative and colorful. On the other side you have some extremely violent games based around shooting and killing. I’m not saying one is bad or good, it’s just that maybe Beyond Good & Evil is a bridge between those two kinds of games. It is a mix of creativity and more mature content. I think there is a lack of this kind of game in the games industry.”

Ancel also spoke about Beyond Good & Evil’s main character, Jade. She wasn’t your typical female hero, as Ancel discussed:

“Yeah. When we started the project the first thing we said was, If this project is different it’s because it’s a female character who is driving the story. She’s not like other characters who look like women but act like men. I’m not saying women don’t shoot guns or defend themselves; it’s just that most women in games are clichés. They are just one vision of the woman. We wanted to create this character and respect her. We said, This is our character. This is how she is. We are not going to modify her with our male fantasies. We tried as much as possible to make Jade her own entity and her own personality. It was one of the challenges of development.”


GameStop isn’t taking pre-orders for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition at the moment. As far as we know, the product has sold out. Will GameStop receive any new stock after launch? We can only hope!


Mighty No. 9 could very well end up on the 3DS. While this already seemed like something that could happen, an official Kickstarter update discusses the possibility in depth.

Handheld versions for Mighty No. 9 have been talked about “since the earliest stages of this project”. At the end of the day, it’s about money. With enough fan requests, “and if we’re able to set and achieve stretch goals that would justify the cost, we would be thrilled to make this happen.”

For now, the Mighty No. 9 staff will “continue watching for more feedback and start working up more detailed budgets just in case”.

Another message we have gotten loud and clear: A portable version of Mighty No. 9 is something many of you are excited about — and believe us, we would love to see it happen as well. Potential 3DS and/or Vita versions of the game are something we’ve been discussing since the earliest stages of this project, as handhelds are something our developers have plenty of experience with. Unfortunately, that experience tells us that these things cost money — however, the road to making them a possibility is relatively straightforward: If we continue to see more and more fans asking for portable versions of Mighty No. 9, and if we’re able to set and achieve stretch goals that would justify the cost, we would be thrilled to make this happen. In the meantime, we’ll continue watching for more feedback and start working up more detailed budgets just in case, so please continue to let us know how much of a priority this is for you. Thanks!


Update: It’s indeed out now in North America and Europe:

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team’s patch is now live in Japan, and apparently in overseas territories as well (can anyone confirm)? It’s not a major update, but it does address a few bugs. You can find the rundown of fixes here.

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