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The latest most-wanted games chart from Famitsu (as voted on by readers) is as follows:

RankGame TitlePlatformPublisher
1Pokemon X & Y3DSPokemon Co.
2Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS3Square Enix
3Grand Theft Auto VPS3Rockstar Games
4Final Fantasy XVPS4Square Enix
5God Eater 2PSVBandai Namco
6Fairy Fencer FPS3Compile Heart
7Gran Turismo 6PS3Sony
8Puzzle Dragon Z3DSGungHo Online Entertainment
9Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom PainPS4Konami
10Drag-on Dragoon 3 [Drakengard 3]PS3Square Enix
11Kingdom Hearts IIIPS4Square Enix
12Mario Kart 8Wii UNintendo
13Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce 2 [The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds]3DSNintendo
14Psycho Break [The Evil Within]PS3Bethesda Softworks
15Shin Gundam MusouPS3Bandai Namco
16Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD RemasterPS3Square Enix
17Sengoku Basara 4PS3Capcom
18Danganronpa 1 & 2 ReloadPSVSpike Chunsoft
19Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack [Tales of Symphonia Chronicles]PS3Bandai Namco
20Metal Max 43DSKadokawa Games


Gorilla Press Games has launched a Kickstarter for its new project, Legend of the Lancer. You can find it here.

Legend of the Lancer’s funding goal is $35,000. A PlayStation 3 and Wii U goal awaits at $75,000, and a PS4/PS Vita stretch goal stands at $215,000.

Proun coming to 3DS

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments

Joost van Dongen, creator of Proun, is working with Engine Software to bring Proun to the 3DS, iOS, and Android. A release date hasn’t been confirmed, but will be announced “at a later time.”

Proun first came out for PC back in 2011. As far as what the game entails, players race in a world filled with geometric objects and large colored surfaces.


Two Tribes has officially announced that the level editor originally planned for Toki Tori 2 on Wii U is “in the fridge” – or shelved. After considering the situation from a business perspective and looking at the technical and design problems, the studio felt making such a decision would be for the best.

Wii U owners won’t be left entirely empty handed, however. Those who have purchased the game can receive a free Steam code, which does come with the level editor.

You can find more details and gain further insight into Two Tribes’ decision by checking out the company’s notice here

Listings found in the USK and OFLC databases hint at a future release of Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl in Europe and Australia. Both classification boards recently rated the 3DS RPG. According to the listins, NIS America will be publishing.

Atlus published Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl in North America earlier this month. Originally, the game saw release in Japan back in June.

Source, Via

Update: Added in images for final three starter evolutions.

Even though Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are just a few days away from launching worldwide, CoroCoro has come through with final coverage of the game. A couple of new Mega Evolutions are confirmed in this week’s issue.

Because we’re so close to Pokemon X/Y’s release, you can find the images after the break:

Nintendo is running a special offer on its newly opened online store. If you purchase a limited edition Pokemon 3DS XL system, you’ll be able to pick up Pokemon X or Pokemon Y for £19.99 as opposed to £39.99.

You can find more details and place an order here.


The removal of Yoshi’s Cookie on the Wii Shop Channel doesn’t just pertain to Europe. According to a notice posted on the store, the VC title will also be unavailable in North America. Its discontinuation will take place on October 18 at 9 AM PT.

Yesterday, we were given official confirmation that Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut will cost $50 on Wii U. That’s in spite of the fact that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions are priced at $30.

Wondering why the price discrepancy exists? Square Enix provided Kotaku with the following statement:

“This is the first time Deus Ex is available on the Wii U. We have an extensive feature set which makes full use of the Wii U GamePad, plus we were able to add exclusive features to the Wii U version which we think Nintendo fans will appreciate and truly immerse them into the world of Deus Ex like never before.”


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