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Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire are already off to an incredibly strong start in Japan. And no, the two games haven’t even been released yet.

Media Create reports this week that pre-orders for Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire have reached 239,000 units (including Double Packs). That number was reached in just two days, believe it or not.

While Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire aren’t entirely new games, in terms of pre-orders, they’re performing about as well as Pokemon X/Y did nine weeks before release.


Square Enix has provided more details about the monster breeding system in Final Fantasy Explorers. Check out a summary of information below:

– As previously mentioned, some monsters will drop round spirit-like objects when defeated
– These are known as Spirit Stones
– Visit the Monster Laboratory in Libertus to create an allied monster from the stone
– Main menu at the Monster Laboratory has options like “Create from Spirit Stone,” “Monster Synthesis Enhancement,” “Monster Details/Sell,” and “Form Party”
– Spirit Stones of tougher monsters will be more rare
– These monsters will likely have much higher parameters than your average monsters.
– Once you create a monster, you’ll get to have them in your party
– Different types of monsters such as attack-type or defense-type
– Level up your monsters by using other Spirit Stones to level them up as well
– Can create monsters like a Goblin, Bomb and Chocobo
– These seem to be common monsters

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Japanese streams on Niconico are all the rage these days, and it feels like we hear about new events very often. The latest, which will be held next week, is for Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.

This stream is an “Autumn Special” and will run on October 2 between 6 PM Japan time and 1 AM Japan time. We’ll be seeing gameplay of the original titles plus new information about the 3DS remakes. Kosuke from App Bank will be playing the originals.


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