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Senran Kagura Burst sold “really well” for XSEED, according to the publisher’s Jimmy Soga. The 3DS game’s performance has led to the localization of the PS Vita titles Shinovi Versus and Bon Appetit.

Soga added that if Senran Kagura continues to do well for XSEED, “we want to continue with the series.” That would hopefully mean a western release for Senran Kagura 2 on 3DS would be possible.

We’re taking it case by case. Senran Kagura Burst did really well. It was download only, but there’s enough to say there is a US audience for it that’s why we went with Shinovi Versus. It’s sort of risky, but we localized Bon Appétit at the same time. We think there is a core audience for it, but it’s case by case for now. If these sell well enough of course we want to continue with the series.


Famitsu digital sales

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 2 Comments

Thanks to Famitsu, we have some insight as to how games have been selling in the digital space. Check out the latest rankings below:

01. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 # (Capcom) {2013.09.14} – 287.279
02. [3DS] Pokemon Battle Link! (Pokemon Co.) {2014.03.12} – 137.081
03. [3DS] Pokemon X / Y # (Pokemon Co.) {2013.10.12} – 62.635
04. [3DS] PazuDora Z: Puzzle & Dragons Z
(GungHo Online Entertainment) {2013.12.12} – 51.564
05. [WIU] Dragon Quest X: Nemureru Yuusha to Michibiki no Meiyuu Online
(Square Enix) {2013.12.05} – 49.920
06. [PS3] Rain (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2013.10.03} – 36.488
07. [PSV] Terraria (Spike Chunsoft) {2014.02.06} (¥2.980) – 29.800
08. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Real Reborn # (Square Enix) {2013.08.27} – 29.323
09. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds # (Nintendo) {2013.12.26} – 28.577
10. [3DS] Youkai Watch (Level 5) {2013.07.11} – 27.689

11. [3DS] Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind (Spike Chunsoft) {2013.12.05} – 22.725
12. [PSV] Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster: Twin Pack # (Square Enix) {2013.12.26} – 22.580
13. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} – 22.245
14. [3DS] Kirby Triple Deluxe (Nintendo) {2014.01.11} – 20.209
16. [PSV] Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment # (Bandai Namco Games) {2014.04.24} – 17.064
17. [PS4] FIFA 14 # (Electronic Arts) {2014.02.22} – 16.260
18. [3DS] Bravely Default: For the Sequel (Square Enix) {2013.12.05} – 15.777
19. [PSV] 3rd Super Robot Wars Z: Jigoku-Hen (Bandai Namco Games) {2014.04.10} – 15.597
20. [PSV] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd (Sega) {2014.03.27} – 14.609

In addition to today’s daily screenshot, Sakurai also announced that Japan will be getting their first hands-on with the latest generation of Smash games at this year’s Generation World Hobby Fair. It’s unknown whether this will be the same build as E3 or whether or not they will have something new in-store.


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