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Bigben Interactive will publish “Best of Board” for the 3DS and PlayStation Vita next year. We don’t have a lot of information at present, but it seems to be a compilation title featuring board games. The proposed price is €30.


Nintendo has been cranking out deals on its new UK web store on a regular basis. The latest has consumers pre-ordering the 3DS XL Luigi Special Edition with Luigi’s Mansion 2 for £199.99, resulting in £20 savings. You can check out the offer right here.

Not one, but two Batman: Arkham Origins games are available today. The console title has been receiving most of the attention, but Warner Bros. has also published a handheld companion title, Blackgate.

Here’s a roundup of reviews for the title thus far:

GamesRadar – 3.5/5
Game Informer – 6/10
Gamespot – 5/10
IGN – 7.4/10
Joystiq – 3.5 / 5
Kotaku – “Yes”
Polygon – 8 / 10

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