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Defenders of the Triforce has been running in North America since the start of the year. In Europe, it will finally debut next month.

Fans in Barcelona can partake in Defenders of the Triforce on July 2. Those in London are up next, with the event being held between July 14 and July 16. It’s also planned for Paris between July 6 and July 9. We should point out that Defenders of the Triforce is coming to Cologne as well, though no date has been set.

We’ve included Defenders of the Triforce’s promo below. You can also access the official website here.

Update: Bumped to the top. Both versions of the New 2DS XL are up for pre-order now here.

Original: Amazon Germany is taking pre-orders for the new Zelda amiibo. The Twilight Princess, Majora’s Mask, and Skyward Sword Link figures can be reserved here. Note that the first two can be shipped to the US – the Skyward Sword amiibo won’t right now for whatever reason.

First 4 Figures is now taking pre-orders for the recently-announced Amaterasu Life Size Bust from Okami. As usual, there are two versions to choose from. The regular edition is here and the exclusive edition is here. Both are rather pricey, coming in at $675 and $725 respectively.

One difference seems to separate the two versions. First 4 Figures says the exclusive version is the “latest product from our newly branded CORE label – Okami Amaterasu LOGO cap (White version)”.

This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima, as stated during the company’s financial results briefing Q&A…

“Takeda expressed interest in retiring and passing the torch when his term of office expires this period. Takeda’s guidance has fostered many technicians over the years, particularly in the technical development departments. Ko Shiota, who we have mentioned as a candidate for the new director, was one of those Takeda mentored while developing our business.

Even after his retirement, we hope to continue seeking advice from Takeda as Special Corporate Adviser such as in terms of how we should look into new technology and play. Takeda’s knowledge, experience and personal connections cannot be easily transferred. We plan to take over those over time in consulting with him. We hope to progress to the next stage by combining Takeda’s advice and support (as Special Corporate Adviser) with the new skills of our young employees.”


This information comes from Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima, as stated during the company’s financial results briefing Q&A…

With regards to our Nintendo 3DS business, our software sales figures in the last fiscal year were boosted significantly by titles, such as Pokémon titles, which helped increase hardware sales, and led to an overall year over year growth in sales of both hardware and software. And as discussed during our presentation, high demand for Nintendo 2DS is driven by an attractive price point on top of its hardware appeal. This is what gives Nintendo 2DS the largest growth rate out of the entirety of our Nintendo 3DS business.

We are planning to launch New Nintendo 2DS XL during this fiscal year. New Nintendo 2DS XL has screens that are the same large size as the New Nintendo 3DS XL, and can play more than 1000 Nintendo 3DS titles already released, at a very desirable price point. Our expectation is that if we are able to continue to provide enjoyable software, we will always meet the needs of consumers who want to continue playing on the existing Nintendo 3DS series. To that end, we are always thinking about what kinds of software consumers are going to want, and evaluating our hardware cycles to
make sure that we are meeting that need.

The Switch is a massive sales success so far, which can be partially attributed to Nintendo’s continuous and prolific advertising of the system. A particular focus for the company seems to have to been ads on US television. In fact, according to research conducted by VentureBeat, no one in the games industry spent more on US TV ads in March 2017 than Nintendo.

Over 30% of the industry spend on TV ads in March (about $18.3 million) came from Nintendo. They aired 16 spots over 4,100 times and generated 583.5 million TV ad impressions. The biggest ad of the month was the Switch TV spot called “Believer”, which featured music by Imagine Dragons. Nintendo put a particular focus on ads that aired on Nick, Adult Swim, and Comedy Central, as well as during the NCAA basketball tournament, episodes of South Park and Nickelodeon’s 2017 Kids’ Choice Awards.

Source Via

Coming from the Play Nintendo YouTube channel is the first episode of “Frizzy’s Silly amiibo Theater” show. The show looks to be a smaller, vignette-like counterpart to the main Play Nintendo show.

The synopsis for the premier episode is as follows, direct from the video description:

Hey kids! Check out the first-ever episode of Frizzy’s Silly amiibo Theater! Help Mario, Princess Peach and Yoshi track down the pudding stealer.

You can watch the video for yourself below.

The North American My Nintendo website updated today with three Street Fighter-centric discounts. All three take 40 percent off the original asking price.

On 3DS, the Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition discount can be obtained for 60 Gold Points. Street Fighter Alpha 2 on New 3DS and Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers on Wii U are 30 Gold Points each.

These discounts are available on My Nintendo until August 3.

In 2011, RecogniCorp filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Nintendo. The company claimed that Mii characters used the same techniques described in the patent for making police sketches of suspects.

But on Friday, a federal appeals court determined that the patent asserted against Nintendo by RecogniCorp should never have been granted. The lawsuit has come to a close as a result.

Ajay Singh, Nintendo of America’s director of litigation and compliance said of the verdict:

“We are very pleased with the court’s decision. The decision marks another case in which Nintendo’s unique ideas overcame unjustified threats of patent infringement. Nintendo has a long history of developing innovative products and we will continue to vigorously defend all our products from meritless patent lawsuits.”

Source: Nintendo PR

It’s the start of a new month, which means new rewards are now available on My Nintendo. In Europe, five new rewards have gone live, and the big theme this month seems to be Street Fighter.

For 20 Gold Points, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting and Street Fighter Alpha 2 on Wii U and New Nintendo 3DS are all 30% off. Also for 20 Gold Points, Etrian Odyssey IV on 3DS is 20% off.

Finally, you can get a Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers phone wallpaper for 50 Platinum Points.


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