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SuperMetaldave64 posted a new video interview with Brjann Sigurgeirsson, CEO of Image & Form. Sigurgeirsson discussed the SteamWorld series, working with Wii U, and the Switch. Hear what he had to say in the video below.

Target is celebrating the launch of Pokemon Sun/Moon with a special event. On Saturday, the retailer will be providing a Pikachu promo card and poster to fans between 11 AM and 2 PM. The offer is valid while supplies last.


Nintendo is promoting Mario Party: Star Rush by pointing out a new survey conducted by Wakefield Research that many parents say they don’t have enough time to spend with their kids. As the big N notes, “parents tell their children they are too busy to play with them an average of eight times a week, with almost half of parents (48 percent) saying they spend more time commuting to work than playing with their kids. But simple things like playing a quick video game as a family, which tops the list of activities that kids enjoy most (33 percent), can be easy and fun.”

Nintendo adds that over half of parents (52 percent) often avoid playing family games due to the stress of picking a single game that everyone wants to play. Kids getting too bored (36 percent) or arguing whose turn it is (31 percent) are roadblocks as well.

In today’s announcement, Nintendo claims that Mario Party: Star Rush can help avoid these pitfalls. The game lets players take turns at once, experience various mini-games and boss battles, and go through seven different modes.

Source: Nintendo PR

A new commercial for the Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom has started airing in Japan. And in many ways, it takes inspiration from one of Nintendo’s older advertisement.

First, watch the Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom below:

And now watch this advertisement for the original Famicom:

From the narration to the overall visual style, both commercials are pretty similar. Definitely looks like Nintendo is playing up the nostalgia factor here!

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Twitter is spicing up its selection of stickers with a new set dedicated to Pokemon. Through November 21, those using the social media service on smart devices can dress up their photos with Rowlet, Litten, Popplio, or a Poke Ball. It’s being done to promote the launch of Pokemon Sun/Moon on Friday.

Here’s the announcement from Twitter:


We’ve known about Jakks Pacific’s Trophy Series and Prototype Series figures for some time now. But before the weekend started, some new ones were shown on Twitter.

For the Trophy Series, the new additions are Ganondorf and Tanooki Mario. Toon Link and Olimar are being added to the Prototype Series.

Store exclusives seem to be involved here. With the Trophy Series, they can only be found at Walmart. Target has the exclusive on the Prototype Series.


Source 1, Source 2

Many, many years ago, Sony was working on the SNES PlayStation. It would have acted as as add-on for Nintendo’s classic console, allowing it to read discs. But unfortunately, it ended up getting cancelled.

Now in a new interview, we have some rare behind-the-scenes information about what was happening with the SNES PlayStation. Dwango head Nobuo Kawakami interviewed Shigeo Maruyama, who was once the the CEO of Sony Music Entertainment as well as the former chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment. Maruyama talked about the situation with the SNES PlayStation and also offered insight into the mind of Ken Kutaragi, who largely was the person who pushed for the device’s development.

Head past the break for our full translation.

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Universo Zelda is once again providing us with another look at the Zelda 30th anniversary amiibo. 8-Bit Link, Toon Link/Zelda, and Ocarina of Time Link are all shown in the video below.

This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta sit down with Pokmon enthusiast JWittz and chat a bit about Pokemon Sun/Moon. View it below.

Update 3: Everything seems to be gone. Can’t say that’s surprising!

Update 2: Currently live on Amazon. Controller here.

Update (11/11): Bumping this to the top. As a reminder, the NES Classic Edition will be live on Amazon in an hour.

Original: (11/9) Amazon is providing customers with information about how it intends to sell the NES Classic Edition. On Friday at 5 PM ET / 2 PM PT, the hardware will go up on the retailer’s website.

Amazon says that it has “very limited quantities”. The NES Classic Edition will be limited to one for each person. More stock will be added “in the coming weeks”.

You’ll want to keep track of the NES Classic Edition page on Amazon here. The controller page is also located here.

You can read Amazon’s full notice about the NES Classic Edition after the break.

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