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General Nintendo

Zelda Informer, a fan site dedicated to all things Zelda, recently conducted a massive survey about the series. 9,461 people participated, 6,603 of which filled it out to completion.

One of the more interesting results stems from a question asking people about their favorite Zelda game. Here are the results from that one:

The Legend of Zelda – 4%
The Adventure of Link – 2%
A Link to the Past – 13%
Link’s Awakening – 4%
Ocarina of Time – 36%
Majora’s Mask – 29%
Oracle of Seasons – 3%
Oracle of Ages – 3%
The Wind Waker – 19%
The Minish Cap – 6%
Twilight Princess – 37%
Phantom Hourglass – 3%
Spirit Tracks – 3%
Skyward Sword – 18%
A Link Between Worlds – 8%
Tri Force Heroes (E3 Demo) – 1%
Four Swords – 2%
Four Swords Adventures – 2%
Zelda Game and Watch (Any Version) – 0%
BS The Legend of Zelda – 0%
Ancient Stone Tablets – 0%
Link’s Crossbow Training – 1%
Navi’s Trackers – 0%
The Faces of Evil – 0%
Wand of Gamelon – 0%
Zelda’s Adventure – 0%
Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland – 0%
Tingle’s Balloon Trip of Love – 0%
Tingle’s Balloon Fight – 0%
Hyrule Warriors – 7%
Ocarina of Time 3D – 14%
The Wind Waker HD – 14%
Majora’s Mask 3D – 15%
Link’s Awakening DX – 4%
Never Beat a Zelda Game – 0%
No Favorite – 3%


Twilight Princess was the most selected response here, although Ocarina of Time is right behind. A Link Between Worlds was also the top handheld title excluding remakes.

You can find much more from the survey right here.

Speaking with Game Watch Impress, Shigesato Itoi commented on why Mother 4 is unlikely to happen. He told the site:

“Among big-time popstars, if they, you know, put out ten albums, around the fourth album, they can’t make very good songs. The albums sell, but everyone at the concerts wants to hear songs from those first three albums. Everyone. I’m glad that video games are not my profession. If it was my job, I would’ve already made 4 and 5.”

“When I made 3, I thought I could do it, so I did it,” Itoi added. He went on to say that 4 is “totally impossible.”

Source, Via

A few days ago, Gamedots published an interview with Dianne Segovia, manager of marketing of Nintendo for Latin America. Reader NutOfDeath was kind enough to send over a couple of translations.

First, Gamedots mentioned that Super Mario Maker and Splatoon received big marketing campaigns. Xenoblade Chronicles X, on the other hand, seems like it hasn’t seen the same sort of attention. Segovia said in response:

“Splatoon was a new IP and we had to start from scratch in terms of introducing it to the public. Mario Maker was a title that served as a celebration of 30 years of Super Mario Bros, and that’s why we had to make a big deal; it was truly a grand celebration, not just any video game launch.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is an RPG, a game for RPG and Xenoblade fans. We didn’t do anything too big because the audience for the game already know it exists and is already attentive of its release.”

Next, specifically talking about Latin American Nintendo, Gamedots asks who the audience is for its commercials. That prompted the following comments:

“It depends on the game. Right now, to promote the Wii U, we’re launching commercials directed towards parents who have young children who don’t know much about the console. They are the target audience right now, and thay’s why sometimes the commercials can seem a bit childish.

Games like Super Mario Maker had two commercials, one for kids and one for adults. This was done so that the adults could be appealed by the nostalgia, and the kids would be attracted to the use of GamePad and other novel elements.

In Splatoon’s case, we used a song for the commerical. The commercial’s design made it look like the game was only for kids.

For situations like these, to attract adults, we bring the game to public spaces so the general public can get to know the game and play it.”


Update 2: Should be back up and working!

Update: We’re hearing that Lottie is being removed from people’s carts, so there might be an issue with Target’s website. In any case, you can always head to your local store for the amiibo!

The Lottie amiibo can now be purchased from Target’s website. To get an order in, visit the product page here. Use the code “LIST” to discount Lottie to $11.69.

More: ,

A pair of new statues based on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword came out at GameStop and EB Games just a few days ago. There’s one featuring Link as well as the robotic, skeletal pirate Scervo. Pricing is set at $79.99 ($119.99 CAD) and $124.99 ($139.99 CAD) respectively.

If you’re in North America, you can order the statues here. Canadian gamers can grab them here.

The Wolf Link amiibo is on display at the VIECC Vienna Comic Con this weekend. That means we have our first in-person image of the figure. Get a look at it above.



It’s another dose of Nintendo birthdays today! The SNES and amiibo are now a year old.

In Japan, the SNES launched on November 21, 1990. Meanwhile, the first amiibo figures came out one year ago today.

Like I said a few days ago, November is a very busy month for birthdays. The Wii U and Wii, and even Shigeru Miyamoto had their special days earlier this week.

More: ,

moldclay has updated his fan-made amiibo compatibility chart once again. In this latest version, it’s been brought up to version 7.0. Check it out above.



During last week’s Nintendo Direct, a short promo aired for Yo-kai Watch involving Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime and Bill Trinen. The second part of that has now been made available. Give it a look below.

The latest episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live, which focuses on the Wii U RPG Xenoblade Chronicles X. Watch it below.

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