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A wild Super Smash Bros. screenshot appears! Series director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following on Miiverse:

Here’s the Prism Tower stage for the 3DS version! The battle begins on ground level right in front of the tower.

Reader Robert Garcia and his daughter Victoria came across the shot above, which comes from inFamous: Second Son. If you get in close and take a real look at the photo, it does look like Mario and Luigi are referenced/given a neat little tribute. Are those really the famous brothers, or are we just crazy?

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. In terms of deals, players can save on the latest Adventure Time game. There’s also a pre-order bonus available for Disney Magical World in which consumers can receive a calender.

Check out this week’s GameStop circular in full below:


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Earlier today, Platinum tweeted the neat photo below. It’s a look at a movie-style poster used to show an early concept for The Wonderful 101.


Along with this image, Super Smash Bros. series director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following on Miiverse:

Pic of the day. Never bully Cuccos. Seriously, attacking them is out of the question! This has always been a cardinal rule of The Legend of Zelda series.

We haven’t seen any Cuccos in the Smash Bros. games before, so what purpose will they serve here? Are they items? Assist trophies? New Animal Crossing residents? Way to be cryptic, Sakurai.

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