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This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Wakedasu – 300 yen
Sent?-chu Densetsu no Shinobu to Survival Ball Battle! (retail title) – 4,980 yen

Virtual Console
Bubble Bobble (Famicom) – 500 yen

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Rayman Legends (retail title) – 5,985 yen (from 10/17)

Virtual Console
Ganbare Goemon 3: Shishijy?rokubei no Karakuri Maji Katame (Super Famicom) – 800 yen
Shin Megami Tensei if… (Super Famicom) – 900



Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

“Looks like your teeth are cavity free, huh?”

Hulu Plus launches on 3DS

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Hulu Plus is now available on the 3DS, Nintendo has announced. System owners can stream TV shows, movies, and other video content directly to their handheld.

A Hulu Plus app can be downloaded directly from the eShop. Existing subscribers can begin watching videos immediately, while new users will be given a one-week free trial.

You can find today’s official announcement below.

XSEED previously announced a Fall 2013 launch window for Senran Kagura Burst in North America. The company is still pinning down a final date, but it sounds like the game will be out sometime next month.

On Facebook, XSEED says Burst is planned to hit the eShop in “November-ish”. The title is also confirmed to be less than 2GB.

“November-ish on the release, very big on the size of the game (but less than 2GB).”


We’re still waiting for a number of Mega Man titles on the Virtual Console. As an example, Mega Man II and III for Game Boy still aren’t out on the western eShops as of yet.

There’s no set date for any of the upcoming VC games, but Capcom’s Brett Elston did share an update over on the company’s official forums.

He said:

Their figures for Watch_Dogs are (a bit) more conservative, but with Assassin’s Creed IV Ubisoft is expecting sales figures to hit the double-digit millions. 10 million would put the game ahead of most this holiday season, but it’s worth noting (thanks, VideoGamer!) that Assassin’s Creed III actually sold even more than that, clocking in at 12.5 million.

Assassin’s Creed IV will be out on October 29th for Wii U.

Via VideoGamer

A small update has been applied to Miiverse. Going forward, users can search for others by their nicknames. Miiverse previously allowed for searching to be done only by a person’s Nintendo Network ID.

Miiverse’s “NintendoMarty” announced the news earlier today:

IGN has put up a new feature on Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The article has more details about the upcoming 3DS game, plus a few more comments from Eiji Aonuma.

Head past the break for the latest on A Link Between Worlds.

Super Smash Bros. will be launching on Wii U (and 3DS) next year. That presents the perfect opportunity for the game to make its first appearances at various events and tournaments in 2014.

MLG is one such venue where Super Smash Bros. for Wii U could be appearing. Major League Gaming CEO Sundance DiGiovanni has said on Twitter that Nintendo has interest, as does he.

The message reads:


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