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We have a few more screenshots from Pokemon X/Y showing Mega Evolutions, trainer customization, and PR videos. You can find them above.

If there’s one feature that’s been requested more than any other for the eShop, it’d be unified account. Users on both Wii U and 3DS have requested this functionality so that they don’t have to worry about their games being tied to any hardware they purchase.

Nintendo hasn’t introduced a unified account system for either of its platforms, but according to Nintendo of America’s head of business development Dan Adelman, the company is “very much aware of” the feedback.

Adelman told Destructoid:

Based on a listing on Nintendo’s website, Super Mario Bros. will be released on the North American Wii U eShop next week as a Virtual Console download. Pricing will be set at $4.99.

In other news, Super Mario Bros. 3’s VC release also appears to be on the horizon. Listings for Wii U as well as 3DS have been discovered, but no date is included. I imagine we’ll be seeing the game in the near future.

While we’re on the topic of Scribblenauts, we should have more news on that game shortly…

The name “Lilt Line” should be familiar to some of you. It was a rhythm action WiiWare game which saw release almost three years ago.

The game’s creator, Gordon Midwood, has now taken to Kickstarter to fund a sequel: “lilt line too!”.

Those who are interested can expect the following features to be included:

  • at least 20 new levels
  • longer levels, each one being a whole song in length
  • new game modes: fresh (full 3d environment) & classic (top down view)
  • local multiplayer (collaborative)
  • online multiplayer (combative)
  • new level innovations – height variations, speed & time changes, loop the loops…
  • all new music from the brilliant and diverse repertoire of ill.gates!

Midwood is looking to raise £15,000 before the Kickstarter campaign ends on October 12. At £45,000, “lilt line too!” will be assured development for Wii U.

You can donate to the project here.


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