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Tools Up

All In! Games and The Knights of Unity have released a new update for Tools Up, a couch co-op game about home renovation. After installing the patch, players can access a Time Attack mode unlocked after finishing the base game. Players can also access four new character skins.

Here’s a trailer for the new update:


Publishers All In! Games and 505 Games, along with developers One More Level, 3D Realms, and Slipgate Ironworks, announced today that Ghostrunner, a first-person cyberpunk parkour action game, will launch for Switch on October 27. It will be sold digitally via the eShop.

Here’s an overview of Ghostrunner, along with a trailer:

The Game Awards 2020

The Game Awards is returning for its seventh consecutive year. Today, creator and executive producer Geoff Keighley announced that the show will be held on December 10.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there will be no in-person event – meaning no audience. Live shooting will take place at small soundstages in Los Angeles, Tokyo, and London.

Like previous years, The Game Awards 2020 will offer game premieres, awards presentations, musical performances. A specific time for the event and nominees for the various categories will be announced at a later date.


Crown Trick

Team17 and Next Studios have dated the animated roguelike RPG adventure game Crown Trick. It’ll be available on October 16, it’s been announced.

Here’s an overview of Crown Trick plus a new trailer:


Publisher Sold Out and developer Ape Tribe Games have issued a new trailer for the cyberpunk stealth-action RPG. Watch it below.

Disjunction launches for Switch in 2021.

Neon Abyss

Neon Abyss has been updated to version 1.0.3. Highlights include a black screen fix​, performance improvements, and more.

Below are the full patch notes: 

Outerloop Games has revealed that its first-person action adventure game Falcon Age is on the way to Switch. It will release digitally on October 8.

For the Switch release, it will come with over a year of content updates including new quests, an upgrade system for your falcon, revamped cooking and hunting mechanics, and many quality of life updates. Also supported are touch controls to pet your falcon and gyro controls with the Joy-Con.

Strictly Limited Games and ININ Games have provided an update on Clockwork Aquario, a project that was originally thought to have been lost after it was originally being developed nearly three decades ago. The original plan was to have it ready this year, but it’s been pushed back to “the beginning of 2021” instead.

Here’s the latest on Clockwork Aquario, including new screenshots:

Fallen Legion Revenants

NIS America and YummYummyTummy have dated the real-time action RPG Fallen Legion Revenants. The game is launching on February 16, 2021 in North America, followed by February 19 in Europe.

A new gameplay trailer is also in for Fallen Legion Revenants. Get a look at the video below.


Wartile, a cool-down based strategy game, arrives on Switch tomorrow. Find some gameplay footage in the video below.

Wartile will be available for Switch via the eShop on September 24.

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