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We have a few new screenshots available for The Great Ace Attorney. Take a look at them in the gallery below.

Nintendo is selling two versions of Fire Emblem Fates. The Conquest and Birthright versions are heading to retail, though there are also plans for a third story path that will be sold as DLC.

The Japanese Fire Emblem Fates website confirms that this will be made available in July. A specific release date hasn’t been announced, but as it’s only a month away, it shouldn’t be too long before we receive that information.


For the past couple of years, fans have been working on “Project Third Quest”. This is a mod based on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and is intended to act as a new adventure in the world. You can see how it’s progressing in the trailer below.


Nintendo is changing up the way it handles restrictions on Miiverse. Going forward, restrictions will be applied to all accounts on the same system.

In a Miiverse post, Nintendo noted that, in the past, users would evade restrictions by creating a new Nintendo Network account or use a previously-created one. Doing so would allow them to bypass punishments. With the new “rule”, Nintendo will be able to prevent this in the future.

Here’s the full Miiverse post explaining things:



We have another look at the Pokemon and Rhythm Heaven 3DS themes that have arrived in Japan over the past couple of weeks. Take a look at the latest footage below.

Capcom’s latest character video introduces us to Iris Watson. You can find it attached below.

Some email issues

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 1 Comment

Hey folks – quick site update. I’ve been experiencing email issues on my end for the past few days. Many emails slipped through and seemed to have disappeared, to put it simply. All problems have been fixed, but if you sent something in over the past week and were expecting a reply, please resend. Apologies for the inconvenience!


If you’re interested in hythm Heaven: The Best Plus, you may want to check out the latest footage from the game. Three more videos are posted below.

A pair of new Pokemon 3DS themes are out now in Japan, and their official videos are posted below. I’m sure they’ll be heading west in due time!

Level-5 has released a second general trailer for Yo-Kai Watch 2 Busters. Give it a look below.

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