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Level-5’s Fantasy Life is finally coming to North America. It’ll be available on October 24. The news was just announced during the live stream Nintendo Minute.

Tomonobu Itagaki and Valhalla Studios have revealed that Devil’s Third is coming to Wii U.

We haven’t covered much about Devil’s Third here, but the project has been in development for many, many years. Devil’s Third was originally going to be published by THQ.

Itagaki made the announcement during an IGN live stream show currently ongoing.

amiibo E3 2014 trailer

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

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Nintendo closed out its E3 2014 Digital Event today with another new Super Smash Bros. character reveal. As many have speculated, Palutena from Kid Icarus will be included in the game.

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