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Along with the above image, Sakurai shared the following message via Miiverse:

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 3.34.08 AM

Via Miiverse

Nintendo deputy general manager Philippe Lavoué has revealed a variety of hardware and software sales for France as part of an interview with publication Challenges. He additionally commented on more general topics such as smartphones, the competition, and teased “unannounced surprises” for Wii U.

Here’s a summary of what was shared:

– 3DS: 1 million+ (64% plus year over year) YTD (over the expectations)”
– 2DS: 180k
– Pokemon X and Y: 584k YTD
– Wii U sold 178k in 2013 in France
– 3D World: 98k YTD
– 12.5 million active Wii players in France in 2013, hopes to convert them
– Market study: 10 million French gamers potentially interested in Mario Kart 8
– No to smartphones, focus on quality and differentiation
– Japanese million seller Puzzle and Dragons proves that traditional gaming and smartphone games can coexist
– Concerning Xbox One and PS4: it’s not all about specs
– Estimates that over 50% of sold Wii U games are by third-party
– Games turned the 3DS around, MK8, SSBU, DKCTF and unannounced surprises will help the Wii U in 2014

Source, Via

Club Nintendo members in Australia have a new reward to choose from starting today. Nintendo has added in a Mario hat, priced at 3,200 star points.

Nintendo says the reward “is a true-to-life replica of the iconic red hat worn by Mario.” For those curious, it’s made out of polyester and cotton.


News coming from today’s NPD report confirms that the Wii U had its best month in the US thus far in December.

Specific data isn’t available at this time. However, that statistic alone would put Wii U somewhere in the neighborhood of 500,000 units sold last month – perhaps a bit less.

If Nintendo decides to issue a response to today’s NPD report, we could receive more concrete sales information.


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3DS took the top spot as the best-selling gaming system in the US last month, the latest NPD data reveals.

That’s not all though. We’re also hearing that the 3DS was the top-selling hardware for 2013 as a whole.

All seems to be well for Nintendo in the portable space. The situation is a bit more mysterious for Wii U, but it’s no secret that the console has struggled.


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NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of December as well as for 2013 overall. The results can be found above.


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