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The Capcom classic Demon’s Crest is coming to the New Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console in Europe this week. Check out a new trailer for this release:

Back in October, Rayman creator Michel Ancel managed to uncover the original ROM for the first game on SNES after 20 years. Ubisoft planned to bring it to Nintendo’s old console at one point, but it wasn’t meant to be.

Since Ancel discovered the news about his discovery, a video actually surfaced. It may not be long and sound is absent, but it does show the SNES version in motion.

Ancel was also at IndieCade Europe late last month where he spoke about Rayman on SNES. Thanks to that, we have the off-screen image above.


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Puyo Puyo Chronicle has released in Japan, and a ton of footage from the game is now available. Over an hour of footage is posted below.

Yesterday we saw Shigeru Miyamoto guessing the size of various objects. If that wasn’t random enough for you, we have a video of Miyamoto playing Super Mario Run while eating cake. You can see that below.

More Miitopia footage

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to CoroCoro, we have another look at Miitopia with several minutes of footage. Find more gameplay below.

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Mercenaries Saga 3 is planned for a Thursday release on the North American 3DS eShop next week, and Circle Entertainment is getting ready with a new video. Watch an introduction trailer below.

Shigeru Miyamoto hung out backstage at The Tonight Show and was asked to guess the sizes of random objects. Is it silly? Yes. Is it amazing? Yes. You can view Miyamoto guessing the size of things like a pizza, lightsaber and stuffed raccoon below.

Tucked away inside the Super Mario Run demo at the Apple Store are names and images of all 24 levels in the game. If you’d like to have a look, view the video below.

This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta show off Super Mario Run. Check it out below.

Miitopia supports a bunch of Nintendo costumes that are unlocked through amiibo. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Splatoon, and Animal Crossing are all represented. Get a look at the various costumes below.

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