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The DioField Chronicle Game Explanation trailer

Square Enix issued a new “Game Explanation” trailer today for The DioField Chronicle, its upcoming strategy RPG. Currently the video has only been published in Japanese, but we’ll update this post if an English equivalent goes live.

Learn more about The DioField Chronicle in the following overview:

Hindsight gameplay

Hindsight made it to Switch earlier this week, and we have a new round of gameplay. The title has been shown off with 14 minutes of footage.

You can learn more about Hindsight in the overview below:

South of the Circle gameplay

New gameplay has come in for South of the Circle, the narrative experience from 11 bit studios and State of Play. We have 17 minutes of footage.

Learn more about South of the Circle in the following overview:

Kokoro Clover Season 1 gameplay

Kokoro Clover Season 1 ended up on Switch this week, and for a closer look, we have new gameplay. 22 minutes of footage is available.

Continue on below for more information about the title: 

Arcade Archives Dig Dug gameplay

Another classic title graced Switch this week with Dig Dug, the latest addition to the Arcade Archives series. New gameplay has come in that shows it in action.

Below is an overview of the title:

Mega Man Battle & Fighters gameplay

Mega Man Battle & Fighters saw a surprise launch on Switch this week, and we now have gameplay. 20 minutes of footage shows off the release.

For more on Mega Man Battle & Fighters, check out the following overview:

The Risk and Reward summoning event was announced for Fire Emblem Heroes during the latest Feh Channel presentation, and a trailer has now shown it off.

As a reminder, the following characters will be featured:

QUByte Classics: Thunderbolt Collection gameplay

Gameplay has come in for QUByte Classics: Thunderbolt Collection following its debut on Switch this week. The package contains two vertically-scrolling shoot ’em up titles – specifically the 8-bit and 16-bit versions of the game.

Here’s some additional information:

Gale of Windoria gameplay

Gameplay has surfaced for Gale of Windoria, a new RPG from Kemco and Hit-Point. 26 minutes of footage has come in.

Learn more about Gale of Windoria in the following overview:

Original (8/4): After several weeks of rumors, Square Enix has officially revealed Tactics Ogre: Reborn. The game will be releasing for Switch on November 11, 2022.

Tactics Ogre: Reborn is a remake of the 2010 game Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, itself a remake of the 1995 original of the same name. This version of the game promises visual improvements, a rearranged soundtrack, a redesigned battle system and more.

Here is an official overview of the title:

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