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Dodgeball Academia

Humble Games and Pocket Trap are celebrating the launch of Dodgeball Academia with a new trailer. Continue on below to check out today’s video.

Dodgeball Academia is out now on the Switch eShop. You can find additional details about the title here.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Square Enix and Eidos Montreal today released a new gameplay cinematic for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, which features Star-Lord and the Guardians looking to negotiate with Lady Hellbender.

Here’s an introduction to the video:

Sonic Colors: Ultimate

SEGA uploaded a new trailer for Sonic Colors: Ultimate today that highlights the game’s various Wisps. Take a look at the video below.

Sonic Colors: Ultimate is scheduled for September 7 on Switch. More information can be found here.

Sol Cresta

PlatinumGames has shared a new gameplay trailer for Sol Cresta, its upcoming shoot ’em up title for Switch. Watch it below.

Sol Cresta will debut later in 2021.


To celebrate the launch of Dreamscaper, Freedom Games and Afterburner Studios have readied a new launch trailer. Watch it below.

Dreamscaper is out today on the Switch eShop. For more on the game, check out our previous coverage here.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from July 2021. You can watch it below.

Atlus has shared the latest daily demon video for Shin Megami Tensei V. Today’s video offers a closer look at the demon Shiisaa, check it out below the break.


After it was first unveiled in Famitsu, Nippon Ichi Software has officially announced Asatsugutori. The “time loop investigation adventure” game has received first details as well as a debut trailer.

Here’s the full roundup, courtesy of Gematsu:

Project Lumina shared a new battle preview trailer today for Melty Blood: Type Lumina, which features Hisui & Kohaku.

Here’s an introduction to both characters:

New Pokemon Snap delivered its new 2.0.0 update last night, and we now have a closer look thanks to Good Vibes Gaming. Check out plenty of footage in the video below.

You can learn more about this week’s New Pokemon Snap update here.

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