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3DS eShop

In a recent interview with Real Otaku Gamer, Antipole developer Edward Di Geronimo spoke about why they decided to publish their game on the Wii U, and how much has changed between the original Antipole, a DSiWare title, and the new Antipole DX.

When asked about what kind of additional content can be expected in Antipole DX, Geronimo said this:

There’s not a lot left that’s the same! The code is largely the same, but we’ve replaced all the assets. The graphics are all new, with a pixel art style that feels like a 16-bit era game. Last time around the audio side of the game suffered due to the tight space restrictions of DSiWare. The music and sound effects are all new this time around, and are much higher quality now that we don’t have to worry about space restrictions. Players familiar with the original game will still find plenty of surprises in the DX version. The levels have all been recreated from scratch. I usually tried to stay faithful to the original designs, but there are plenty of cases where I removed or changed sections that I wasn’t happy with. I made sure to add new sections to every level, and also included several all new levels. The DX version is on track to have about 50% more rooms than the original game did.

On publishing Antipole DX on the Wii U, Geronimo had this to say:

Nintendo has been developing high quality platformer games for decades. I think their audience is highly receptive to them. They also have a core audience that’s been gaming on their systems for decades. This crowd grew up playing pixel art platformers. I think the audience is going to be very receptive toward games like Antipole DX.

You can read the full interview here.


About a month ago, The Battle Cats POP! was removed from the European 3DS eShop. Folks who had purchased the game previously could redownload it, but no one was able to make any new purchases.

There is good news for those who were interested in the game. As of today, The Battle Cats POP! has returned to the European eShop. You can purchase the digital download once more.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Jotun Valhalla Edition – €13.49/ £10.79 / CHF 14.39 until 15/09/2016, regular price: €14.99/ £11.99 / CHF 15.99

140 – €7.99 / £5.59 / CHF 8.00

Vektor Wars – €7.99 / £7.99 / CHF 12.00

Alice in Wonderland – €4.52 / £3.78 / CHF 4.93

Rorrim – €4.52 / £4.09 / CHF 6.40

TOUCH SELECTIONS – €2.99 / £2.69 / CHF 4.20

3DS Download

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice – €29.99/ £24.99 / CHF 38.90

Kingdom’s Item Shop – €5.00/ £4.79 / CHF 6.20

New Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console

Final Fight –  Conditional discount on Final Fight 1, 2, 3: Buy Two, Get One FREE; until 22/09/2016, regular price: €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20

Final Fight 2 –  Conditional discount on Final Fight 1, 2, 3: Buy Two, Get One FREE; until 22/09/2016, regular price: €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20

Final Fight 3 –  Conditional discount on Final Fight 1, 2, 3: Buy Two, Get One FREE; until 22/09/2016, regular price: €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice Costume Bundle – €0.99/ £0.89 / CHF 1.40

3DS Themes

AA: Spirit of Justice Athena Cykes Pixel Art – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF 2.80

AA: Spirit of Justice Main Characters – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF 2.80

At School with Miffy – €0.99 / £0.89 / CHF 1.40

Drawing with Miffy – €0.99 / £0.89 / CHF 1.40

Miffy learns to write – €0.99 / £0.89 / CHF 1.40

Just like in Japan, Capcom will make DLC available for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice overseas. Part of this encompasses costumes, and fans will have an opportunity to acquire them for free.

Capcom says that there will be “free DLC costumes for the first week”. We’ve seen alternate outfits for Phoenix Wright (Furio Tigre), Athena Cykes (Trés Bien), and Apollo Justice (old high school uniform). Sengoku Basara costumes were also released in Japan a little after launch, but it’s unknown what their status is in the west.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice launches on Thursday.

Thanks to Anthony for the tip.

IGN has given us another look at Noitu Love: Devolution with six more minutes of footage. Take a look at the latest video below.

Update: Added in Sunday’s updates.

Nintendo Badge Arcade has been receiving daily updates since heading to the 3DS eShop. Because it’s continually updated with content, we’re rounding up all of the additions and changes in a weekly post.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of August 29:

August 29

– 13 amiibo panels
– 7 Animal Crossing panels
– 8 Rhythm Heaven panels
– 2 Mega Man panels (1 day left)
– 1 free play

Picross 3D: Round 2 had a stealth launch on the North American 3DS eShop a few days ago. Watch 75 minutes of footage from the game below.

Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

Next month, tinyBuild will be bringing Punch Club to the 3DS eShop. Check out the video below for some footage recorded from Twitch’s PAX West stream.

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