Gunslugs hitting the European 3DS eShop next week
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
The original Gunslugs is making its way to the European 3DS eShop very soon. A listing on the store indicates that it will be available in just a week’s time – June 16. Pricing is set at €1.99.
More: Engine Software, Gunslugs, OrangePixel
Worcle Worlds heading to Wii U and 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Lightwood Games is working on yet another title for Wii U and 3DS. Later this year, the indie developer will be launching Worcle Worlds on the eShop.
The classic mobile game Worcle has been reimagined for dedicated gaming systems. It’ll include “a large story mode with hundreds of missions across ten different worlds, local two player battles and live online games”.
Here’s a teaser:
More: indie, Lightwood Games, Worcle Worlds
Nintendo Download (6/9/16, North America) – Kirby: Planet Robobot, Olympia Rising, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
Wii U Retail
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 – $19.99
Wii U Download
Olympia Rising – $4.99
Wii U Virtual Console
Wario: Master of Disguise – $9.99
3DS Retail
Kirby: Planet Robobot – $39.99 (available Friday)
3DS Download
Dan McFox: Head Hunter – $2.99
Puzzle Labyrinth – $5.00
Fire Emblem Fates – New DLC Maps: End: Lost in the Waves – The next generation assaults their ultimate foe. The Heirs of Fate finale for the Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest games is now available for $1.99.
Fire Emblem Fates – Map Pack 2 DLC – Across dimensions, other versions of the Hoshidan and Nohrian children are under attack. Born and raised in the Deeprealms, these fledgling warriors must now rise up to save themselves and their parents as they unravel the mystery of their adversaries. In this six-map series for the Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest games, units leveled up in the main game cannot lend support. Devise a strategy using a fresh team and reap the rewards, but only if all of your units survive. You can receive all six maps by purchasing Map Pack 2 for only $7.99.
3DS Theme
Kirby: Planet Robobot : Robobot Armor Activate!
Nintendo eShop Sale – A sale is on the way, and My Nintendo members will get a special bonus. Become a My Nintendo member and set yourself up for the best savings by:
Creating a Nintendo Account
Linking your Nintendo Network ID to your Nintendo Account
Making sure you access Nintendo eShop on your Wii U or Nintendo 3DS system at least once prior to purchase
Learn more about the sale by visiting
Hyrule Warriors Legends Free Companion Fairy Now Available! – A Fairy comes bearing gifts! To thank you all for playing the Hyrule Warriors Legends game, a free SpotPass download including a new Fairy companion, Lazuli, extra Rupees and more fairy Food is now available! Lazuli will surely prove to be a stalwart ally, aiding you with her skills and magic!
eShop Sales
Wii U / 3DS
– Grumpy Reaper (Wii U), Soccer Up Online (Nintendo 3DS) and more games from Enjoy Up are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 30.
– AeternoBlade (Nintendo 3DS) and Wicked Monsters Blast! HD+ (Wii U) from Corecell Technologies are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 30.
– The Delusions of Von Sottendorf and His Square Mind (Nintendo 3DS) and The Rivers of Alice: Extended Version (Wii U) from Delirium Studios Evolution are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 16.
– Word Puzzles by POWGI (Wii U and Nintendo 3DS) is 20 percent off (reduced from $9.99 to $7.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 16.
Wii U
– Job the Leprechaun is 66 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to 99 cents) until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 30.
– FreezeME is more than 25 percent off (reduced from $13.99 to $9.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 23.
– Big Hero 6 Battle in the Bay, Goosebumps: The Game and more games from Gamemill Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 11.
– Musicverse: Electronic Keyboard is 50 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $3.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on July 2.
– Retro City Rampage DX is 25 percent off (reduced from $19.99 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 23.
– 3D After Burner II, 3D Gunstar Heroes and more games from SEGA are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 20.
– Rytmik Ultimate and The Keep from CINEMAX are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 30.
– The Legend of Dark Witch, KAMI and more games from CIRCLE Ent. are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on June 30.
Source: Nintendo PR
More: Nintendo Download, top, Virtual Console
Circle Entertainment will release Ambition of the Slimes in the west
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Next week, Ambition of the Slimes will be out on the Japanese 3DS eShop after landing on numerous platforms. Circle Entertainment has already confirmed plans to localize the game.
The company posted the following message on Twitter earlier today:
Ambitions of the Slimesalready on the way(to NOA/NOE). The game containts English, Japanese, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Tradtional.
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) June 8, 2016
Here’s a good look at Ambition of the Slimes with a new Japanese trailer:
Nintendo gives fans ways to stay engaged with its E3 activities (eShop sale, Zelda in Miitomo, more)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, Mobile, News, Wii U eShop | 23 Comments
Nintendo has already shared plenty of information about what it’s plans are for E3 2016 next week. But today, the company provided information about how fans can stay engaged.
First, an eShop sale will be hosted between June 14 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET until 8:59 AM PT / 11:59 AM ET on June 21. Discounts will be available on some of Nintendo’s “most popular games as a special treat for fans.” My Nintendo members will receive “a special bonus if they buy select games included in the sale.”
The Legend of Zelda Retweet event begins! #Miitomo in-app gifts for RTs! ? #Miitomo_Zelda_RT
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 8, 2016
Nintendo also has plans to tie-in Zelda with Miitomo. If this tweet receives a combined 10,000 retweets worldwide, a “Link’s new hair wig” will be provided to users as a gift. 20,000 re-tweets will net players a “Link wig”. This must be accomplished by June 13 at 7:59 AM PT / 10:59 AM ET. Miitomo will also be getting a Zelda-themed Miitomo Drop stages as well as collaboration items and a My Nintendo reward that can be exchanged for Platinum Points.
You can find today’s full announcement after the break.
Battle of Elemental REBOOST – Mel and Io videos
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Two new Battle of Elemental REBOOST videos have gone live which focus on rival characters Mel and Io, who are playable in the game. You can get a look at both clips below.
More: Amzy, Battle of Elemental REBOOST, Japan
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice footage from Denjin Getcha
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice was featured on the latest episode of Denjin Getcha. You can watch the full recording below, which includes some gameplay.
Lightwood bringing Word Logic by POWGI to Wii U and 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Lightwood Games is continuing its work on the eShop with a new title. Later this year, “Word Logic by POWGI” will be released on both Wii U and 3DS.
Word Logic by POWGI features six pen-and-paper style word puzzles which require some degree of logic or deduction to solve. Both versions will support touchscreen controls while the 3DS edition will specifically offer handwriting recognition. A “left mode” is also included to avoid players blocking the screen with their stylus hand.
Here’s a rundown of the different puzzles:
• Kriss Kross – The classic word-fit puzzle. Place words into the grid using their length as a guide, and using logic to make sure everything overlaps correctly!
• Word Ladder – Make new words by changing one letter at a time. Can you turn one word into another in a limited number of steps?
• Crypto – A cipher puzzle (also known as a cryptogram) which reveals a quote when you crack the code!
• Word Sudoku – Place nine letters according to usual sudoku rules. As an extra clue, one row or column will spell a word.
• Gaps – Several words have one letter missing. Deduce the correct letter to fill in the gaps and spell a new word!
• Wordsweeper – Drawing inspiration from Minesweeper, the clues tell you which letters can be placed in an adjacent square. It’s a crossword-style puzzle solved using logic!
Word Logic by POWGI is tentatively targeted for August.
Source: Lightwood Games PR
More: indie, Lightwood Games, Word Logic by POWGI
Nintendo kicking off 5 year anniversary eShop sale in Europe later this week
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 27 Comments
Like in Japan, Nintendo is celebrating the eShop’s fifth anniversary with a special sale. A slew of games will be discounted across Wii U and 3DS starting on Thursday.
Here’s the Wii U lineup:
Art Academy: SketchPad – Sale price: £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
Child of Light – Sale price: £5.99 (was £11.99) / €7.49 (was €14.99)
Cube Life: Island Survival – Sale price: £5.59 (was £7.99) / €6.99 (was €9.99)
Donkey Kong 64 – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
EarthBound – Sale price: £3.49 (was £6.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
FAST Racing Neo – Sale price: £8.20 (was £10.99) / €11.20 (was €14.99)
F-Zero – Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Kirby’s Adventure – Sale price: £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Little Inferno – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Metroid Prime Trilogy – Sale price: £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
Nano Assault Neo – Sale price: £6.70 (was £8.99) / €7.49 (was €9.99)
NES Remix – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
NES Remix 2 – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Super Mario Bros. 3 – Sale price: £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Sale price: £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
Super Mario World – Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Super Mario 64 – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Super Metroid – Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Zelda: A Link to the Past – Sale price: £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Sale price: £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
Zelda: The Minish Cap – Sale price: £3.09 (was £6.29) / €3.49 (was €6.99)
Toki Tori – Sale price: £0.89 (was £1.79) / €0.99 (was €1.99)
Trine 2: Director’s Cut – Sale price: £6.99 (was £13.99) / €8.49 (was €16.99)
And 3DS:
3DS eShop charts (6/6/16)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:
1. Mario Kart 7
2. Pokemon Yellow
3. Pokemon Red
4. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
5. Mega Man Legacy Collection
6. Pokemon Blue
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Terraria
9. Zelda: A Link to the Past
10. Super Mario World
11. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
12. Resident Evil: Revelations
13. EarthBound
14. Super Metroid
15. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
16. Donkey Kong Country 3
17. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
18. Super Mario Bros.
19. Smash Controller
20. Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble
1. Pokemon Picross – Turn Puzzles into Portraits
2. Kirby: Planet Robobot Overview Trailer
3. Starter Pokemon for Pokemon Sun/Moon Revealed
4. Mini Mario & Friends Launch Trailer
5. Super Mario Mash-Up Pack for Minecraft: Wii U Edition
6. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
7. Disney Art Academy Overview Trailer
8. Super Smash Bros. Final Video Presentation
9. Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games E3 2015 Video
10. Hyrule Warriors Legends Launch Trailer
11. Super Mario World Trailer
12. Terraria Announcement Trailer
13. Explore the Alola Region in Pokemon Sun/Moon
14. Photos with Mario Trailer
15. Infinite Dunamis Trailer
16. Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble Video
17. Zelda: A Link to the Past Trailer
18. Pokemon Red Trailer
19. Yo-kai Watch Episode 1
20. Yo-kai Watch Launch Trailer
Source: 3DS eShop