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3DS eShop

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
2. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
3. Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival
4. The Legend of Zelda
5. Mario Kart 7
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Kirby’s Dream Land 2
8. Super Mario Bros. 3
9. Kirby Fighters Deluxe
10. Azure Striker Gunvolt
11. Shovel Knight
12. Kirby’s Dream Land
13. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
14. 10-in-1: Arcade Collection
15. Pokemon Dream Radar
16. Star Fox 64 3D
17. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
18. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
19. Metroid
20. Donkey Kong


1. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire E3 2014 Trailer
2. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Trailer
3. Super Smash Bros. – Looks like we don’t have a choice
4. Super Smash Bros. – The Crest of Sword, Magic and Flame
5. Pokemon Art Academy E3 2014 Trailer
6. Super Smash Bros. Last Seat Commercial
7. Super Smash Bros. Food Fight Commercial
8. Kirby Fighters Deluxe Trailer
9. Super Smash Bros. Training Day Commercial
10. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Red, Blue, Yellow
11. Nintendo Minute – Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
12. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Goddess of Light
13. Super Smash Bros. Challenger From the Shadows
14. Skylanders Trap Team Story Trailer
15. Azure Striker Gunvolt Reveal Trailer
16. Super Smash Bros. Champion of the Ring
17. Skylanders Trap Team Teaser Trailer
18. Skylanders Trap Team Inside the Trap Trailer
19. Fantasy Life Multiplayer Trailer
20. Hyrule Warriors – Launch Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Amiibo Launch Announcement
Turtle Tale Trailer
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 Trailer 2
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Launch Date Trailer
Castlevania: Dracula X Trailer
Nintendo Minute – Smash-tember: Kno’ Yo Nintendo
Fantasy Life – Get a Life Trailer


Amiibo Launch Announcement
Poptropica: Forgotten Islands Trailer
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 Trailer 2
Ninja Battle Heroes Trailer
The Legend of Dark Witch Trailer
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Launch Date Trailer
Nintendo Minute – Smash-tember: Kno’ Yo Nintendo
Fantasy Life – Get a Life Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

As a side-note, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse will be priced at $19.99.

This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Kung Fu Rabbit – 600 yen
Fairune – 300 yen
Meiga to Tanoshimu Otona no Machigai Sagashi – 500 yen
Choco Inu no Chokotto Fushigina Monogatari Shokora Hime to Mah? no Recipe (retail title) – 5,184 yen (from 10/9)
Majinb?n Jikan to K?kan no Majin (retail title) – 6,145 yen (from 10/9)
Monster Hunter 4G (Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, retail title) – 5,990 yen (from 10/11)

Virtual Console
NA (no titles since 5/7)

Wii U

Downloadable Titles

Virtual Console
Salamander (Life Force, Famicom) – 514 yen
Tsuppari ?zum? (Famicom) – 514 yen
Rockman X3 (Mega Man X3, Super Famicom) – 823 yen


Name: Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
Publisher/Developer: WayForward
ESRB Rating: E10+, fantasy violence, suggestive themes
Target Release Date: Fall 2014
Platform: Nintendo 3DS, Wii U (Nintendo eShop exclusive)
Players: single player
Genre: Adventure/Quest/Platformer

Synopsis: Embark on a brand new adventure with Shantae, the hair-whipping belly dancing genie. When Shantae loses her genie magic, she must join her nemesis, the nefarious pirate Risky Boots in order to save Sequin Land from an evil curse. As a pirate, Shantae gains new weapons and tools to advance her quest, slay monsters, battle epic bosses …and hopefully get her magic back in the bargain! But can she really trust her most deadly enemy?

Title: Woah Dave!
Developer: Choice Provisions
Publisher: Choice Provisions
Rating: E – Mild Fantasy Violence
Release Window: Fall 2014
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo eShop)
# of players: 1 player
Genre: Action

Game Description: In Woah Dave!, players gun for digital glory by slaughtering aliens, stealing their loose change, and racking up the highest score possible. Easier said than done, however, as everything on the map—including your own ammo—is trying to kill you. No one ever said being a Dave was easy.

The brave players who manage to survive the alien onslaught and collect the most coins will be rewarded with top placement on the leaderboard. Do you have what it takes to be the best Dave? Or will you end up playing second fiddle to another, more powerful Dave?

Good luck, and may the best Dave win.

Game Title: Xeodrifter
Developer: Renegade Kid
Platform: Nintendo 3DS™ / Nintendo eShop
Release Date: Q4 2014
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
ESRB: E – Mild Fantasy Violence

Game Description:

Xeodrifter is the story of an interstellar drifter traveling the stars on a simple mission of exploration. We join our nomad as he embarks on the investigation of a small cluster of four planets in the omega sector, after a collision with a rogue asteroid damages his warp core.

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