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The Poke Ball Pattern Vivillon distribution began yesterday in North America. But what about Europe?

In Europe, the distribution will kick off on August 29. It will last through September 8.


The official Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 website has brought along a few more screenshots and details.

Here’s the latest on the game:

– Brand new entry unlike Samurai Warriors Chronicle 2nd
– “What If?” scenarios are in the game
– Ex: what if Yoshimoto Imagawa had survived the Battle of Okehazama? What if Shingen Takeda had reached the capital?
– 4 characters playable during missions
– Some have less than 4
– Renbukan mode: imported from Samurai Warriors expansion that is all-you-can-beat during limited amount of time
– Score ranking is improved, now that players are to be divided into classes with promotion and demotion chances every week, and high-score rewards are to be determined class by class, giving chances to new players to be rewarded as well


Amazon is listing a Prima guide for the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros.

Here’s an overview as to what’s included:

Choose Your Character – complete breakdowns of classic characters from the Super Smash Bros. series like Mario, Link, Samus and Pikachu, along with new challengers like Mega Man, Little Mac and newly announced Palutena, the Goddess of Light from the Kid Icarus games.

Character Customization – full details on how to customize the different aspects of your character when playing locally or online with friends in a variety of multiplayer modes.

All The Modes – each game mode covered in full detail, including the Nintendo 3DS exclusive Smash Run.

Mobile friendly eGuide access – Digital strategy content optimized for a second screen experience.

The guide will be available on October 3 – just in time for the game’s launch.

The Mega Man StreetPass Mii Plaza puzzle, previously released in Japan, is now available in the west. 3DS owners can obtain their first panel through SpotPass.


3DS owners can now download the system’s latest firmware, version 8.1.0-19. Like this week’s Wii U update, it essentially improves the handheld’s stability.

Here’s the official update description from Nintendo:

Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.


We’ve seen a lot of different trophies from the daily screenshots, but today Sakurai shows us what it’ll be like to view them in-game:

That’s not all either:


Here’s something new–the trophy shop. If you’re having a hard time getting certain trophies, why not just buy them? They sometimes go on sale, too.

Kadokawa Games has released the first screenshots from Derby Stallion Gold, which are posted in the gallery above. You can check out the official website here.

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