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Capcom unveiled a new field for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate known as the “Old Desert” at the series’ Hunting Rival event in Akihabara today. Additionally, the company had news to share about new monster subspecies and returning monsters.

You’ll find all of the latest Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate details below. Check out new screenshots above.

– Returning monsters include the Desert Tyrant Flying Wyvern Diablos, the Ultimate Shield Crab Daimyo Hermitaur, the Sand Wyvern Cephadrome, and the One Horned Wyvern Monoblos
– Monster subspecies appearing for the first time include Kechawacha Subseries, Tetsucabra Subspecies, Zamtrios Subspecies, Najarala Subspecies, Seltas Subspecies, Seltas Queen Subspecies, Nerscylla Subspecies
– New field: Old Desert
– Hunters and monsters alike have engaged in battle within this vast desert
– In this land under intense sunlight, where hot sand flutters about, players will encounter various plants and animals, as well as quicksand, a rock-face oasis, cave, and Felyne den
– Through the passing years, players will be able to witness the desert’s topographical and ecological changes
– New weapon action revealed
– If you find yourself extra surprised from an ally player’s attack, from there you can perform a jump attack
– Using heavy fire from your Felyne Firedrake Carriage, which resembles the monster Teostra, you should be able to take out even large monsters


Yet another Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire scan has appeared from this month’s CoroCoro. The magazine confirms that Mega Diancie can use the “Magic Bounce” ability.

Meanwhile, we’re also hearing that next month’s CoroCoro will have a “Mega Evolution Scoop”. The magazine will release on August 12.


Over the past few weeks, Capcom has been highlighting creatures from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. The latest, Kecha Wacha, was featured in a Capcom-Unity blog post today.

You can find screenshots and art of Kecha Wacha above. Check out some excerpts from the post below and find the full thing here.

Youkai Watch 2 is expected to be a huge seller for Level-5. And based on pre-order data, that definitely seems to be the case.

Media Create reveals that pre-orders for Youkai Watch 2 were initially at 786,000 units before climbing to 814,000 copies. That number could have been even higher given continued inquiries from consumers, but the game sold out before launch and retailers closed reservations.

Media Create anticipates that Youkai Watch 2 will be Japan’s first million-seller of 2014.


Dragon Quest X started out as a Wii-only title, but that wasn’t always the plan. Series creator Yuji Horii mentioned during today’s Japanese Nintendo Direct that he’s been wanting to bring the MMORPG to the 3DS since the game’s earlier days of development.

By making Dragon Quest X for 3DS, Square Enix hopes to make the game more comfortable to play and attract new users. The handheld version of the game will have content up to the Ver. 2 major update.


Yuichiro Takeda, one of the major writers on Xenoblade, has re-tweeted the Japanese announcement about the Super Smash Bros. character reveal coming on Monday. Perhaps it’s a sign that Shulk will be revealed as the latest roster addition? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Nintendo will make the next character for Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS known on Monday. The announcement is set for 10 AM ET / 7 AM PT.


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