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Bravely Default contains a secret movie for Bravely Second, which can be viewed after the end credits. New character Magnolia – the star of Bravely Second – is highlighted in the video.


New Bravely Second details

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

n this week’s issue of Famitsu, Bravely Second producer Tomoya Asano and character designer Akihiko Yoshida shared more details about the newly announced 3DS sequel. A roundup of information shared by the two can be found below.

– Magnolia is the game’s main protagonist
– Her role is similar to Agnes in Bravely Default
– Will travel with her at some point in time
– Character has been designed to look more adult than Agnes
– She and the other characters have slightly more realistic proportions
– Ringabel’s role in Bravely Second is currently unknown
– Bravely Second’s plot involves a “Demon King” and the moon
– These two elements are new additions related to the story
– Magnolia is a self-professed Demon King killer from the moon
– Her world will be one of the places in the game that you’ll get to explore
– A hint regarding these two plot points is hidden in the secret movie found in Bravely Default: For the Sequel
– Bravely Second’s fields are larger than those of Bravely Default
– Game’s “density” has increased as well
– Will adopt systems introduced in For the Sequel
– The tam may still make changes will in accordance with user feedback from that game
– 30% complete


Bernd Fakesch, general manager of Nintendo of Germany, said in a recent interview that the new Super Smash Bros. games are lined up for spring 2014. Fakesch also referenced Mario Kart 8 as a title due out during the same timeframe.

He stated:

“For next spring two more big license games are also announced for our TV console with Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros.”

I’ll be honest: I just don’t see this happening. A spring release simply seems too soon! But hey, I’ve been wrong before.

Source, Via 1, Source 2

SEGA is bringing out a new free-to-play 3DS game in Japan.

According to this week’s Famitsu, the company is preparing “Initial D Perfect Shift Online” – a new effort based on the manga series. Details are mostly nonexistent at this point, but the magazine seems to confirm that the car moves automatically while players shift gears.

Initial D Perfect Shift Online is slated for a spring release in Japan. A closed beta test will begin next month.

Bravely Default is getting two more crossover bosses from Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light.

First up, Asmodeus will be available between December 10 and December 12. Players are advised to be at level 70 before taking him on.

Mammon will also join Bravely Default between December 13 and December 16. Those who are at level 25 or higher are best suited to battle the enemy.


More downloadable content is coming to Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind. Players will be able to take on Sasha’s story, which provides weapons and parts to dress up like the character when completed. One of the rewards: a giant knife and fork.

Source, Via

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– A system update for Nintendo 3DS is now available and brings with it new features that enable Nintendo Network ID functionality, as well as the ability to browse and post on Miiverse.

The update will allow users to register a Nintendo Network ID to their Nintendo 3DS system. If they also have a Wii U system, they can use the same Nintendo Network ID to combine their Nintendo eShop balances and Wish Lists. A Nintendo Network ID is required to download free content, like game demos, from the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.

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