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Nintendo games were chosen for three categories at the DICE awards last night. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was selected as last year’s best fighter, while Smash Bros. 3DS was named the best handheld game of 2014. Mario Kart 8 picked up the award for best racing game.


The Official site for Langrisser has opened with a small excerpt of theme music as well.


Square Enix is working on a 3DS theme based on Theatrhythm Dragon Quest, the company confirmed today. Fans will be able to obtain the theme by purchasing an early copy of the game. You can check out the design above.

Skylanders has continued to perform well since the original game – Spyro’s Adventure – launched in 2011. Activision confirmed in its financial results today that more than 240 million toys have been sold.

It’s worth mentioning that sales have dipped slightly over the past few years. Activision sold only 20 million toys in 2011, but moved 80 million units in 2012. That number then decreased to 75 million in 2013, and 65 million in 2014.

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Nintendo of America posted a new Code Name S.T.E.A.M. image to its Twitter account today. We get a look at the bio of Tom Sawyer, one of several characters in the game. View it above.


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