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China has started to open its borders to more official video game releases over the past few years, and New Pokemon Snap has now set a milestone of sorts.

New Pokemon Snap is actually the first Pokemon game launched in China following the console ban in 2000. It won’t stop there, as Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee will be available in the country as well.

My Lovely Empress release date

Just now, Neon Doctrine and GameChanger Studio shared the release date for My Lovely Empress. Switch will be receiving the title on August 21, 2024.

My Lovely Empress, which follows up on My Lovely Daughter and My Lovely Wife, was announced for Switch last September. It was previously confirmed that the project would be ready sometime this year.

The Lullaby of Life release date

Courtesy of publisher Midwest Games and developer 1 Simple Game, we have the release date for The Lullaby of Life. Those on Switch can pick it up starting August 7, 2024.

The Lullaby of Life, a musically-motivated puzzle adventure, was announced for Switch at the start of the year. We were initially given a Q2 2024 release window. That target was missed, but not by too much.

Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash Noritoshi Kamo 1.2.0 update

Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash is gearing up with a new version 1.2.0 update, which is highlighted by Noritoshi Kamo as a new playable character.

Noritoshi Kamo will be added at no extra cost. Bandai Namco is also implementing bug fixes as well as a massive amount of bug fixes.

Here’s the full rundown:

I Want To Go To Mars

Sometimes You is publishing I Want To Go To Mars on Switch, the company announced today. The launch is scheduled for August 7, 2024.

I Want To Go To Mars is a family-friendly point-and-click adventure game. Further details can be found in the following overview:

Moonstone Island Cooking update Chef's Kiss DLC

The team behind Moonstone Island has announced a new Cooking update for the game and confirmed that it will be available alongside new Chef’s Kiss DLC next week.

The update includes cooking mechanics with dozens of recipes to discover and create. On top of that, four new spirits will be added.

Grizzly Man

LCB Game Studio today announced Grizzly Man, the next addition to its Pixel Pump series. While platforms haven’t been mentioned outside of PC, we imagine Switch will be included just like previous entries.

Three other Pixel Pump games launched previously. The lineup includes Mothmen 1966, Varney Lake, and Bahnsen Knights.

Hamster will release VS. Valkyrie’s Adventure: Legend of the Key of Time as the latest Arcade Archives game on Switch, the company announced today. A worldwide release is planned for July 25, 2024.

An action RPG released by Namco in 1986, players control the titular Valkyrie as she travels across Marvel Land to collect the Key of Time and other items to defeat Zouna, who rules over the land.

The game will be sold digitally on the Switch eShop. Pricing is set at $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Exophobia trailer

PM Studios and Zarc Attack are celebrating the launch of Exophobia with a new trailer. This week, the first-person shooter appeared on Switch.

Catch up on everything you need to know in the following overview:

Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered

The final release date for Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered. On Switch and other platforms, the game arrives on October 31, 2024,

Grasshopper confirmed plans to bring Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered to Switch back in March. The company committed to a 2024 window, and now we know it’ll be ready for Halloween.

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