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Forging Bonds: Beyond Blood starts Jan. 8, 11 PM PT Gain friendship with Heroes including Larcei and Shannan from the Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War game. By forging bonds, players can unlock and view special conversations between characters.

Additionally, the Mjölnir’s Strike: Counter phase is now active. Use your Counter Arrows wisely. Save them for the latter half, or use the Weaker Bonus to triple your power. Players who didn’t participate in the Shield phase can still join in.

Konami has updated Contra: Rogue Corps once again. Players can access a new Exploration Mission, new weapons, an increased level cap, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced Heir of Light as the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. It will feature Shannan, Altena, Ced, and Larcei. A new story chapter is also planned.

Heir of Light begins in Fire Emblem Heroes starting January 8 / January 9. View a trailer for the event below.

Nintendo has announced a new milestone for Super Mario Maker 2. Since launch, players have uploaded over 10 million courses worldwide.

Today’s news was celebrated by increasing the number of levels players can share online to a maximum of 100.

Here’s a brief video celebrating the milestone:

Super Mario Maker 2

Super Mario Maker 2 originally limited players to uploading up to 32 courses online. Then at the end of July, the cap was increased to 64. It has now been raised once again.

Following a bit of maintenance, Super Mario Maker 2 players can now upload a maximum of 100 courses. This is expected to be the final increase for the game. Nintendo had said in July that it would be raising the limit “one more time”, so that should be it.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore has some new content over the Wii U original, including EX Story 1 – featuring costumes, a new Session character, and a brand new song cover. View some footage in the video below.


Milkmaid of the Milky Way developer Machineboy has announced its next project. Embracelet, a third-person puzzle-adventure game, will debut on Switch later this year.

Here’s a brief overview of Embracelet:

Samurai Shodown

SNK will be launching the Switch version of Samurai Shodown in the west on February 25, an eShop listing reveals. It was previously given a vague Q1 2020 release window.

Samurai Shodown can now be pre-loaded from the North American eShop, including a Deluxe Pack. The bundle includes the game as well as a season pass featuring Rimururu, Basara, Kazuki Kazama, and Wan-Fu.

At the end of October, Mary Skelter 2 was refused classification in Australia. The game did not receive its rating and was essentially banned in the region. Yet a couple of months later, it seems a release has happened after all.

Mary Skelter 2 popped up on the Australian eShop earlier today without any prior notice. It’s carrying an understandably high R 18+ rating, but there don’t appear to be any changes to the game’s content.

Those who are interested in the title can currently get it at 20 percent off in Australia.

Powercast has announced a Wireless Charging Grip for Switch, which automatically recharges Joy-Con over the air when placed within two feet of the FCC – and ISED-approved PowerSpot wireless power transmitter. The company says the controllers can achieve a full charge when left overnight.

Here’s some additional information as to how it all works:

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